I hear you calling out to Me, asking for faith to believe that My promises in My Word are truth and are for each of you. Have I not said?....
Consider what this Scripture is saying unto you. Think of a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds and if you have even a tiny bit of faith you can believe for things that would seem to be impossible.
You may be contemplating how you can increaae your faith. Have I not told you in My Word?....
O, My people, as you spend much time in the study of My Word you will recognize a new measure of faith welling up in your spirit and you will know that you can believe in the reality of all My precious promises.
It is My desire to bring all My precious people into a new walk of faith as you minister for Me in these difficult days.
As you pray for the sick you will have total faith to believe in My healing power to touch and heal them.
As you pray for the poor and needy you shall have faith to believe that I shall supply their needs.
In all of your prayers you shall know that I am undertaking to bring answers to your prayers by the faith that dwells in your hearts.
Beloved, you are living in times of great tribulation throughout the world and I am making you strong to serve Me in the midst of these times. I shall give you ever increasing faith to believe for wonders and miracles to follow you as you serve Me.
I covet your prayers of faith for the people who have survived great disasters and to believe that the prayers of My people will bring into being My sustenance for them. I tell you, your faithful prayers have opened the hearts of people around the world to pour out help for these people.
O, My people, I see many of you walking poor in this world's goods, some walk in physical blindness and some with great sickness in their bodies. I would say unto you, stir up your faith and your belief in My provision for you and witness the miracles of provision I shall bring upon you.
Go forth, My children, walking by faith in Me for your every need. As you do so I shall bring you into powerful ministries that you have not dreamed of. You shall speak in faith to every mountain in your path and assuredly you shall see it move.
O, My people, I am calling you today to use your faith to step out into a new path with Me during these days of worldwide destruction and you shall walk in the supernatural with miracles following all that you do. As you faithfully follow Me I shall bless you, keep you, guide you and walk beside you wherever you go.