I am concerned that you are not hearing Me as I constantly admonish you to make preparation for serious times of tribulation which lie just ahead of you. Some of you are thinking, " Oh, it will not come near me." I tell you, My people, what I've told you in My Word and which you are ignoring....
My people, the coming events will touch every person on the face of the earth. I tell you, this Scripture is truth and I admonish you to meditate on what it is saying. Consider " TRIBULATION, SUCH AS HAS NOT BEEN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD UNTIL THIS TIME, NO, NOR EVER SHALL BE......Think about all the traumatic events that have taken place in your lifetime and know that the coming tribulation is to be far greater than all of these. AND UNLESS THOSE DAYS WERE SHORTENED, NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED." What does this tell you? It is saying that God in His mercy will, for the sake of His people, the elect, shorten the days of tribulation so that all peoples will not be obliterated from the earth.
Some of you are saying, "If I just trust in God He will protect me." I hear you saying this with the mindset of sitting back and waiting for Me to act on your behalf. Not so, My people, even though I love you and desire that you survive whatever comes, yet if you are Mine I have much for you to do in ministry for Me. Do you not know that there are multitudes out there, many on your own doorstep who have never been told the truth about salvation and are on the path to hell, to be forever separated from Me. Have I not said?....."Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." Even as My admonition to My disciples when I ascended into heaven so at this point in time I admonish you to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.
O My people, there is much more involved in preparing for tribulation times. First you must begin to take stock of where you are in your walk with Me and you will need to come into right standing with Me, with your sins confessed and forgiven. You will need to spend all time possible in prayer, alone in your prayer closets or with others in prayer groups. You will need to be much in study of the Scriptures, committing as much as possible to memory in preparation for the time when your Bibles could be confiscated. Are you reading about the terrible persecution of your brothers and sisters in far off lands and thinking." O, thats happening at the other side of the world." I tell you, My sisters and brothers, it could very well happen in the midst of where you are.
Multitudes of you, My people, have rejected those to whom I have given specific direction about filling your storehouses. I warn you that there will come a day when you will desperately wish you had heeded the guidance and direction through these people and you will endure much suffering. O, My people, I emplore you to listen to all who are speaking My words concerning a time of preparation. Search the media of the Internet and you will learn much about what I am speaking to My people.
Now, My beloved people, those of you who are truly Mine, I tell you, I will never leave you nor forsake you, I will use you in tremendous ways to minister to all people, believers and unbelievers. I will use you as channels for the signs and wonders and miracles to be manifested. You shall bring multitudes unto salvation, your prayers will bring multitudes unto healing of disease and infirmities in their bodies. You will enter into prayer for nations and you shall see whole nations saved and healed and delivered. O, My people, come to Me today, in repentance of sin and I shall bring into being all these things I have spoken unto you. Come, I say, come unto Me.