He is Risen. He is risen indeed !!! Hellelujah, I arose from the grave and I am alive in the hearts of My people, making intercessation to My Father for you. I was destined to die on the cross of Calvary that all who would come to Me should be saved and have eternal life in heaven with Me. I took all your diseases and infirmities on My body on the cross that you might be healed. So many of you, My people, are suffering from various diseases. Are you claiming your healing? Are you searching My Word for healing Scriptures and praying them back to Me? In this manner you help to bring healing into being in your body.
O, My precious people, this Easter season is a time of new beginnings...
~ You shall experience all fear leaving as you learn to trust in Me with all your hearts.
~ You shall experience faith rising in your hearts as you pray for the sick.
~ You shall experience unbelievavle miracles for those for whom you pray.
~ You shall experience storms and disasters passing you by as you labor in prayer.
O, My people, stay close to Me and I shall stay close to you. I shall guide your paths into the destiny I have chosen for each of you. Beloved, this is a time of trials and tribulations in the world but you are not of the world but rather you shall partake of My glory. In these days I am exhibiting My glory for all to receive...
O, My people, seek for My glory. You do not know the power of My glory in your lives. Free yourselves of all sin and so experience all that I have destined for you. I need each one of you, released unto Me and ready to follow Me wherever I shall lead you and obedient to all I shall ask you to do. There are so many hurting and brokenhearted people in the world who need someone to touch their lives and heal their broken hearts.
Healing is just a prayer away. Just as I did when I walked upon earth so I am calling you to pray for all whom you meet who need a healing touch.
O, My people, discard all fear in your hearts for, I tell you, the months ahead shall be your finest hour. The news medias are forcasting much disaster to come upon the world but, My children, I shall use you in ways you never imagined, to bring My plan for all mankind, into being. You shall walk in the supernatural and...
O, My precious children, repent, repent of all sin in your lives and prepare to receive all I have for you.
~ You shall learn to declare healing into being as you pray for the sick.
~ You shall declare My great and precious promises into reality as you pray.
~ You shall declare that disasters pass you by and see them do so.
Learn to declare My Word and see it come into being. Do not negate My words of warning and pray much for direction.
Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you, for behold the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people. But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. (Isa. 60:1,2)