My precious children...
I speak unto you today about My joy which I desire to pour out upon all who have encountered sorrow in your lives.
O, My people, you know not the changes that a time of sorrow can bring in your lives.
~ It brings you into a closer walk with Me.
~ It deepens your prayer life.
~ It increases your faith as you receive My comfort.
~ It gives you new revelation of My Word as you study.
O, My people, the winds of tribulation are blowing around the world and causing sorrow to rise up in the hearts of many. Beloved, lay aside the sorrow of fear and anxiety and receive My joy in the midst of the storms. Endeavor to bring joy into the hearts of all to whom you minister. Share your joy in the Lord with all whom you meet.
My people, put aside all sorrowful thoughts and have only joyful thoughts. Meditate on My Scriptures pertaining to joyful living...
You have turned My mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.
(Psa. 30:11)
O, My precious people, come into your prayer closets and, as you pray for a release from the sorrow in your lives I shall surely fill you with My joy. As you go forth with My joy in your hearts you shall surely impart it to all whom you meet.
I hear you say, "But how can I be joyful in the midst of the chaos in the world?" I tell you, My children, as you choose to receive My joy into your hearts others shall see and desire to share in your joy. To continue in My joy you will need to meditate on My Word and to spend time in prayer.
You will be amazed to find how receptive unbelievers will be to your message of salvation as you display My joy in your heart.
Go forth, My beloved people, with My joy in your hearts and touch your world for Me. Strive to be joyful in the midst of troubles and trials that come upon you and so draw others unto you. Always be in remembrance that 'the joy of the Lord is your strength.'