I have a plan and purpose for each one of My people as troubled times encircle the world. I shall direct and guide you onto the path I have chosen for each of you to follow. I tell you, you shall do great exploits as you go forth for Me. You shall begin to boldly witness for Me, to all whom you meet, telling them about My saving grace which is available to all. You shall share with them the great blessings I have showered upon you and many shall accept Me as their Savior.
I shall give each of you great compassion for those who have disease and infirmity in their bodies and you shall undertake for them in prayer and I shall assuredly answer your prayer for healing for all whom you pray for. Did not I heal ALL the sick when I walked upon earth? Beloved, time is of an essance for I am coming soon to gather up My precious people to rule and reign in heaven with Me.
I say unto you, My children, do not allow any fear to come upon you because in succumbing to fear you negate that which I desire you to do for Me. O yes, there is much that is coming upon the world to cause fear in the hearts of My precious people but I ask you to study the Scriptures pertaining to the last days and you will see that what is taking place is according to the age old prophecies. My Word and My will shall come into being just as the Bible proclaims and no man can change what I have ordained. I am calling all of you who are Mine and who profess Me as your Savior, to fervent prayer.
~ Pray for the Christian leaders of the countries at war that they stand tall for Me and do not waver, seeking coucil with only godly men.
~ Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as instructed in the Scriptures.
~ Pray for Iraq and the people thereof that peace shall be achieved in their country and that Christianity shall spread throughout their country.
~ Pray for all Muslim and Arab peoples that they would hear the Gospel and belive in Me as their Savior.
~ Pray that all weapons of mass destruction in all countries of the world will be destroyed.
O My people, even though My will shall be accomplished throughout the world still I need the faithful prayers of My people to help in bringing it about.
Prepare, My people, most of all in the spiritual aspect of these last days. Do not be careless in allowing sin to go unconfessed and unforgiven but seek to be in right standing in Me at all times. Enter into the ministry I have ordained for you and I shall give you all power and authority to carry it out.