I am pouring out My Spirit on children and teenagers in this day and they are ministering in praying for the sick and seeing them healed, in preaching and teaching and in signs and wonders.
Have I not said in My Word?...
My precious people, now is the time of 'those days' and My Spirit is being poured out on all flesh, which means that everyone worldwide will have the opportunity to receive My Spirit. You will rejoice to hear your sons and daughters speaking forth My words of prophecy. Your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions. As the Holy Spirit gives the gifts of dreams and visions He will also give the interpretation of them and they shall be powerful instructions for these troubled times.
O, My people, you must stay close to Me, only moving at My behest. You must be sinless with all sin in your life confessed and forgiven. I shall send you forth on assignments and return you to a place of safety with Me.
Yes, My children, there shall be times of great devastation as tribulation increases around the world but for those whom I have prepared to serve Me during those days I shall put a shield of protection around you and keep you from harm. You shall minister under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and you shall witness great fruit resulting from your ministries. Signs and wonders and miracles shall be evident as you pray for people and multitudes shall become My followers as they accept Me as their Savior and Lord. Multitudes shall be healed as you lay hands on the sick and pray for them. My children, the harvest is ready and I call you into the harvest fields to reap the harvest.