Yes, My people, stand fast in the faith, put your trust in Me as you face the troubles and trials of the world as it is in these present days. Do not waver in your faith, Stand strong in My Word and know that it is truth. Believe that every promise therein is truth and store them in your heart. With love in your hearts for all who cross your path testify to them of Me and of My salvation which is offered so freely to all. Timing is of an essance in these last days and I need you, My people, to bring in the harvest of souls destined for My kingdom.
O, My children, the world abounds with hurting, brokenhearted people and I am instilling within your hearts a great compassion for these people and you will begin to comfort them in all their troubles, even as I have comforted you. In doing so you will win many for Me.
I am instilling in each of your hearts a great compassion for those with sickness and disease in their bodies and you shall begin to pray for them with great power and see them healed. Be in remembrance that I took your diseases and infirmities on the cross of Calvary as well as your sins.
I not only died for the sins of the whole world that everyone who comes to Me might be saved but....
If My Word says that by My stripes you were healed, then you are healed for My Word speaks only truth. So many of you are crying out for My hand of healing to touch you when in reality you have received your healing. You need only believe that this is so and begin to praise and thank Me for your healing. So many of you, when yoyu pray for the sick are imploring Me to heal them when they are already healed. You need rather, to teach them the truth about healing so that their faith would arise and they would receive healing. Sometimes it is the faith of the one who is praying that brings healing to those for whom they pray.
O, My people, you need the infilling of My Holy Spirit and if you do not have it I would admonish you to seek it.
You may be asking, "What can the infilling of the Holy Spirit do for Me?"
Do you not see, My children, how much you need the power of the Holy Spirit to help you to minister in these last days? When you speak to unbelievers in the power of the Holy Spirit they shall surely know you speak truth and they shall listen. I shall put into your hearts the words I desire you to speak to every person to whom you minister.
Go forth, My beloved in boldness and My power to bring unbelievers into My kingdom and to pray for the sick and see them recover, teaching them that their healing was accomplished on the cross of Calvary and that they need only believe and come to Me with their praises. I covet the praises of My people. You are seeing the evidence of the fulfillment of this Scripture.
As I pour out My Spirit on all flesh in these last days everyone in the whole world will have an opportunity to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Of course many, even among My people will reject receiving the Holy Spirit but they do so to their own detriment, depriving themselves of great blessings for ministry.
Know always, My precious ones, that I shall be with you, guiding and directing your paths in whatever destiny I have chosen for you.