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Be Still And Know That I Am God

My child, be still and know that I am God, be still and listen as I speak to you this day. You are still struggling in your own strength to serve Me and you grieve when you fail. Abandon it all unto Me and see how easily all can be accomplished as I lead you. In your heart you desire to spend much time with Me in prayer and in studying My Word. You desire to absorb understanding of My Word and so you shall as you relax and follow My leading.

My child, you are overwhelmed at the very thought of speaking forth My words to My people and you must dispel those thoughts. Cast them from you as you know that Satan would try to hinder you from serving Me. In a moment of time I can make you fearless and send you forth with utmost confidence and boldness to proclaim My messages to My people.

You are allowing doubt and unbelief to assail you. Trample them underfoot and go forward in freedom, knowing that I shall guide you. I have a perfect time for all things and all things concerning you shall evolve in My timing. Follow the path that you have begun to have a vision for and as you do I shall open new paths before you.

Continue to wage war against Satan in the spiriitual realm for therein lies victory in all areas of your life....victory over all disease and infirmity, victory over unsaved loved ones and victory over every trial that comes upon you.

Go forth, My child, walking in My Spirit, abandoning your all unto Me and just following My leading and together we shall accomplish all things I desire of you.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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