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Listen, Listen To My Words Of Warning

My beloved people...

Why have you closed your ears to the words which I am speaking to you through the mouths of My prophetic people? I tell you, age old prophecies spoken by the propets of old are fast being fulfilled in these days. I tell you, My people, tribulation, to come upon the whole world is on the horizon and indeed nigh onto your doorsteps and few of you are heeding my warning. What are the signs of tribulation?, you may be asking. Scripture tells you there will be wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. Does this not describe many parts of the world today? As you contemplate the reality of these disasters coming upon you how would you purpose to prepare for them?

~ Have you prayed for My guidance?
~ Have you thought of how to prepare for the problem of shortages should they occur?
~ Do you have a secure source of clean water?
~ Do you have an emergency plan for your family should disaster strike suddenly?
~ Have you thought of being able to help others if they are in need?

My people, do not neglect your spiritual preparation for whatever tribulation you may encounter. I am calling you into your prayer closets to fervently intercede for nations, for leaders, for your country, for your family and friends. All people everywhere need to hear the Good News of My salvation and to have the opportunity to accept Me as Savior. All people with sickness and disease in their bodies need to know that I am the healer and have the opportunity for prayer that they might be healed.

My people, as you make yourselves available to Me I shall put into place in you end time ministries such as you have not dreamed of. As foretold in Scripture I shall pour out upon each of you My Spirit and you shall go forth in the power of My Spirit with My anointing for ministry. Signs and wonders and miracles shall be commonplace as you minister to all who cross your path.

O, My people, I ask that you come to believe that all My Word is truth and shall surely come to pass. Search the Scriptures for everything pertaining to end times and then begin to act accordingly.

1 Peter 4:7
But the end of all things is at hand, therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.

Matt. 24: 13
But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

Matt. 24:36
But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

Acts 2:17a
And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.

2 Tim. 3:1
But know this, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

O, My children, how easy it is to read these words and pass over them, thinking, "It will not come near Me." I admonish you to take seriously every word you read in Scripture with the knowledge that indeed it could come upon you.

The goal of the terrorists is to bring the western world to their knees and will stop at nothing to accomplish it. I tell you, that the only way to defeat them is for a great wave of prayer to ascend unto me from the western world...continuous, fervent prayer.

My people, you need to enter into fierce spiritual warfare for the safety of you and your families. You need to be willing to stay close to Me and follow Me in these end time days and I will make you strong and courageous for the implementing of the ministries I have ordained for you.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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