My people, My people, I am calling you to see with your eyes and hear with your ears...what the prophets are saying in these latter days. I have sent out many prophets and they are speaking forth My words of warning to all the world. My Word declares that great tribulation shall come upon the world in the latter days. Yes, some parts of the world have endured times of tribulation thus far but I declare that much is yet to come.
Even many of My people are not seeing or hearing what I am saying to them in these latter days. My precious ones, open your ears to the prophetic words going forth in these days and begin to make preparation for times of disaster to come. Seek Me with all your hearts and be obedient to the direction I shall give you.
I say unto you, it is harvest time and I need each of you to bring in the harvest of souls who are destined for My kingdom. Do not procrastinate for time is of an essance and I am coming soon. All new converts will need to be taught My ways and join you in the harvest fields.
So many of you, My people are closing your ears and your eyes, not only to prophetic words but also to the words of the media who are forcasting dire events to come upon the world. Of course you must seek discernment in My Word and in prayer. Alert your friends and your neighbors to all I shall reveal unto you.
Have I not said in My Word?...
Assuredly, My beloved people, I love you and I care for you and I shall protect you from harm in the midst of whatever comes upon the world. However, I need to awaken each of you to the reality of what lies ahead for you. Search the Scriptures for all references to the latter days and trust in Me to speak My words of guidance unto you so that you can be prepared.
There is much that you can do in order to make tribulation times easier to endure. Search through your libraries and book stores and read some of the books by the many authors whom I have raised up, pertaining to preparation for the latter days.
O, My people, in the midst of your preparation be mindful of the poor in your midst who desperately need your help.
Have I not wept for him who was in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor. (Job 30:25)
Do not prepare with the mindset of providing only for yourselves but rather to share the needs of others. O, My people, be in remembrance of My great and precious promises...