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Be Still And Know That I Am God

My child, I would say unto you...

Be still and know that I am God. Continue to sit at My feet as you express your love for Me, as you praise and worship Me for that is well pleasing in My sight.As you continue to seek My will for you I shall begin to speak direction unto you.


The time has come, My child, when I shall use you in a special way and you must keep yourself in readiness for you know not the minute or the hour when I shall call upon you. I have given you a task to accomplish for Me and I shall provide everything you will need to accomplish that task. I shall give you all boldness, strength in your body and My words flowing from your mouth.

All I require from you is your willingness, your faithfulness in prayer and your continual search of the Scriptures and I shall give you all enablement. I shall erase all cares from your mind so that nothing will distract you from giving your all.

You are concerned for loved ones and I would say unto you, release them totally into My hands and I shall transform them into what I want them to be. Release unto Me every person whom you are burdened for and I shall bring into being what I desire for their lives. Clear your mind of all encumbrances so that you are free to hear My voice clearly as I instruct you.

You are learning to search out My promises and to claim them for yourself. You are learning to pray according to My Word and I commend you for this. It is as you pray My Word that I bring it into being in your life. Continue in this manner, My child, and I shall bless you for it.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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