Has not My Word said?....
The time is at hand, My beloved people, when I shall pour out on all who are Mine the things which I have prepared for you. My faithful ones, in your finite minds you cannot conceive of what I am about to do in and through the lives of those who are Mine.
~ You shall preach and teach. Even the most timid of My people shall preach and teach the words with power, that I shall bring forth from your mouths.
~ You shall speak forth great words in prophecy as I use you as vessels to speak to My people.
~ You shall receive great compassion for the sick and hurting people in the world and you shall see instant healing in those for whom you pray.
~ Creative miracles shall become normal when you shall see limbs replaced, blind eyes shall be replaced with new eyes and they shall be able to see again.
~ The deaf shall be healed and hearing restored.
~ You shall see violent storms cease as you come before Me in prayer.
~ You shall see the destiny of nations changed as you intercede for them. Nations shall dwell together in peace where there seemed no way for peace to be attained.
~ Many other miracles shall take place that are beyond your comprehension.
This is the time to ensure that all whom you meet are led into My kingdom and so I call upon you, My people, to boldly witness to them of My salvation which is available for all.
O, yes, there is great turmoil throughout the world which will motivate people to seek for hope in their situations. As you allow My light to shine brightly through you, many will be drawn unto you, seeking what you have in Me.
O, My children, you must not deviate from the path which I have set before you. If you are to remain in serving Me, with My power and anointing upon you, you will need to fervently search My Word for the nuggets of truth not yet revealed unto you. Prayer and praise are so important in bringing you into My will.
Beloved, shun the things of the world and cling only to the things of Me. You will find great pleasure as you seek to fellowship with like minded believers, encouraging each other in your walk with Me. I am raising up many leaders who are providing conferences and seminars where My presence is manifested and where great teaching from My Word comes forth. I am exhibiting the Gifts of the Spirit in great power wherever My people come together.
Yes, My people, as time passes by you shall encounter even greater tribulation but as you put your total trust in Me, I shall protect you. I have not promised that you will not be touched by tribulation times but I do promise that you will be blessed abundantly by the countless opportunities I shall provide for you to help the many who shall suffer from tribulation events. In spite of all this be in remembrance that I am still in control of all things....in heaven and on earth, and all shall be accomplished according to My will.