My people, you are not considering the nearness of My coming which is much closer than you think. Indeed, I am calling you to establish your hearts, making ready for My coming.
~ Are your hearts free of sin?
~ Do you still partake in sinful deeds?
~ Are you still harboring sinful thoughts?
~ Are you still speaking sinful words?
O, My children, I implore you to set yourselves free of sin by coming to Me for forgiveness.
My beloved people, I need each of you, in these latter days to follow Me where I shall lead you, reaching out to all whom you meet and bringing them to the point of surrendering to Me and receiving salvation. Time is so very short in which to insure that they will spend eternity in heaven with Me.
Horrendous events are taking place all over the world which can but be described, as in the book of Matthew, a time of great tribulation never before known in the world. O, My people, take your heads out of the sand and realize what is coming upon your land and prepare for it. Most of all you must be prepared spiritually and ready to meet Me when I come. Then you must listen as I direct you in what I desire you to do physically.
My people, beware of all who proclaim to follow Me but in reality are against Me. Beware of false teachers and false prophets who have gone out into the world and are deceiving many, even some of My own.
Listen, listen, My children, as I speak to you words of warning, as I give you direction for the days ahead. You are hearing of great tribulation in many parts of the world and, I tell you, My people, even greater tribulation shall come upon every part of the world. The enemy is planning for great pestilence to come upon areas of the world which shall take the lives of many. You must seek information on how to combat it. Many other destructions shall also come upon the world.
Now, My people, as you become willing to follow Me and to serve Me I shall preserve you and keep you from harm. I desire that you be My hand extended to all who cross your path to....
~ Pray for the sick and see them healed.
~ To draw all whom you meet into a saving knowledge of Me.
~ To warn others of impending tribulation.
~ To share your goods with the poor.
~ Much other ministry that I shall show you.
O, My people, sojourn much in your prayer closets, searching My Word and listening as I speak to you. As you endeavor to be obedient I shall endow you with ever more of the Holy Spirit, giving you power and authority for ministry. As you receive the Holy Spirit you shall also receive the Gifts of the Spirit....
~ Word of wisdom,
~ Word of knowledge,
~ Gifts of healing,
~ Working of miracles,
~ Prophecy,
~ Discerning of spirits,
~ Different kinds of tongues,
~ Interpretation of tongues.
As you remain close to Me you shall go out and minister by direction of the Holy Spirit and you shall operate in the Gifts as I shall ordain them. Great shall be your ministries in the midst of times of tribulation.