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Do Not Let Busyness Overcome You

Beloved, you are indeed tossed to and fro with all the activity you are trying to be part of. My little one, I see your great effort to do only what I would have you do and sometimes you succeed in this and sometimes you do not. Do you know that the enemy laughs in glee when you are overcome with things to do. It is not his will that you do good things for Me and so he puts temptation in your path to do the works that I have not ordained you to do, even though they may be good works.

I have given you mighty weapons to battle the enemy. Bind and break the power of the spirit of busyness that oppresses you. You have known the peace that I have given you as you totally commit your time unto Me. My child, seek to hold that peace to you as you constantly release each hour and each day unto Me.

I commend you, My child, as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide guide you into a ministry of spending time with the elderly and sharing with them, of your prayers for the hurting and brokenhearted as they cross your path, of fellowship around My Word and sharing one with another, of your time of study and prayer in your prayer closet. My child, it is as you seek Me for direction for any new project, that I will help you eliminate that which is not of Me. Then you shall truly rest in for your body, for your soul and for your mind and you shall find great pleasure in all that you do.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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