O, My precious children, may you pray as did Jeremiah so many years ago...
O, My people, cease from your sins and learn to walk uprightly before Me. Bring your sins unto Me, lay them at My feet and receive forgiveness.
Even as in the days of Jeremiah false prophets have gone forth today and I have not sent them. They are speaking forth words that I have not given them.
My beloved people, do not be deceived by the false prophets gone out into the world but rather seek discernment of what is from Me.
O, My people, do not listen to the words of the false prophets for they will lead you astray and away from My path which I have stretched out before you. Discover the authenticity of what they are saying by searching the Scriptures as, if it is not contained in Scripture then you know it is not of Me. Many of My people have been lead away from Me (by) words spoken by the false prophets who have gone out into the world.
They are saying that sword and famine will not touch the land. By these words they lull the people to sleep. Sword and famine shall be experienced in many parts of the world and if My people and others are lulled to sleep they shall not be prepared. Search through the words of Scripture pertaining to events to take place in the latter days and seek Me for direction on how to be prepared.
My loved ones, as you sojourn close to Me, I shall watch over you, sending you forth to minister for Me and returning you to the safety of My arms. I have much for My people to do in these times of disasters around the world. Build your faith by spending much time studying My Word and in prayer and be prepared to go forth for Me.