My people, those with humble hearts, I hear your cry for direction. It is those with humble hearts that I am calling to serve Me in these last days. They are pliable hearts and not hardened against Me. They are teachable hearts and willing to learn My ways.
I am preparing a people...a people from all walks of life...a people who have come out of the world and are totally dedicated to following Me. This is My remnant people who, in these last days, shall move out across the land, endued with all the power of My Holy Spirit, endued with My unction and anointing upon them. All the powers of hell...all that Satan can bring against them shall not stop them as they proclaim....
I declare unto you, My children, that this Scripture in all its fullness shall be fulfilled. I grieve for those of My people who are being led into apathy by their shepherds...led into believing that no trials or tribulation shall touch them.
My Father is grieved because of the shepherds who are preaching a watered down Gospel, to tickle the ears of the hearers...shepherds who are not proclaiming the full Gospel from My Scriptures. So many are just choosing parts of My Gospel to expound on and discarding the rest. I tell you, My children, trust Me as the Chief Shepherd, to teach and train these shepherds to feed their flocks as I desire.
My Father is making provision for all those who truly desire to be wholly committed unto Him for has He not said?....
Be diligent in prayer, My children, as you come together in your prayer groups, for all My shepherds and congregations and, as you do, I shall move through circumstances in their lives to bring them to the point of total surrender.
I am giving you and those around you the great commission to intercede for all people and situations I shall bring to your minds. You are seeking for so called glamorous ministries but the most powerful ministry of all can be found in your prayer closets. I tell you, I have great ministries for each of you but at the moment your ministry is found in study and prayer.
Come unto Me, My people, with every problem and need in your lives. I tell you, Many of you are still trying in your own power to solve your problems and are unwilling to commit them to Me. Know that only as you become willing to lay all at My feet can you grow and mature in your Christian walk. As you begin to give unto Me your needs, your hurts, your whole hearts, you shall learn the joy and the peace of seeing all things work for good in your lives.
The world has entered into the final moments of time and I am preparing My remnant people for the last great harvest of souls before My soon return. My remnant people shall be a totally committed people, taught in the realm of their experiences, to minister for Me. It is not until you have experienced hurts yourselves that you are ready to go forth and minister unto the hurting people of the world. I am preparing My people everywhere to go forth with love and compassion gained through their own hurts to minister healing to those who hurt, even amongst My people.
Multitudes will come into My kingdom because someone out there cared that they hurt and, as they ministered to that hurt told them about salvation through Me. O, My people, seek to free yourselves from anything that holds you in bondage so that you can walk in victory and serve Me fully.
The time of the signs and wonders is upon you and I must have clean and committed vessels through whom to manifest them. My people, again I say, lay everything at My feet and receive total freedom now.