I am calling you, My people, into a new dimension in your walk with Me. Have I not said in My Word?....
The time has come for this Scripture to be fulfilled. You, My people, shall receive a fresh infilling of My Holy Spirit, enabling you to do great exploits for Me. Those who have not committed to follow Me will be touched by the Holy Spirit and multitudes shall receive Me as their Savior and Lord and also receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Children and young people will proclain My words in prophecy. I shall speak to the elderly through dreams and to the young men through visions. The Gifts of the Spirit shall be manifested as never before, bringing wonders and miracles into being.
Much tribulation is destined to come upon the world but My plan and purpose for the world shall surely come to pass. I shall use you, My people, in powerful ministries to bring My plans to fruition. I am calling you, My people, to spend much time in your prayer closets and I shall meet you there and give you direction for what I want you to do. You will learn to walk in the supernatural, always being led by the Holy Spirit.
Does this Scripture not tell you that by the words of your mouths you establish what you speak? So you must guard the words of your mouth.
I shall give you powerful healing ministries under the direction of the Holy Spirit and all for whom you pray shall be healed.
O, My people, as you receive a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, he shall guide you into new ministries for Me. The end of time becomes ever closer and multitudes need to be reached for Me. I will have gone before you and softened hard hearts and made them ready to serve Me. You know not the power and anointing a fresh infilling with the Holy Spirit brings upon you. Seek to receive it and thus empower you for ministry.
Beloved, do not allow fear to encompass you as you see and hear of disasters around the world. Just know that I am calling My people to fervent prayer which moves My hand to bring peace among the nations.
I love you, My people, and I shall use you in countless ways to bring My plan for the world into being.