My beloved people...
I see that many of you are shutting your ears to the words of warning which are being spoken by the prophets whom I have sent forth in these latter days. You are even shutting your eyes as you see events taking place in the world today that you recognize are the fulfillment of prophecies spoken by the prophets of old. Have I not said?....
Indeed, My people, I desire that you hear My secret copncerning the latter days, which you are living in. Listen, listen to what the prophets are prophesying for the days to come. O yes, there are false prophets gone out into the world and whom I have not sent.
O, My people, as you seek Me in prayer I shall surely give you discernment to recognize the false prophets. From them stay away.
My children, I tell you, that even as the Scriptures foretold, there is much more tribulation to come upon the world. Even now are there wars and rumors of wars, famines in many places, pestilences and earthquakes.
My people, you disregard the words of the true prophets at your peril for I am giving you instructions on how to prepare by the words I have given them. As you are obedient in putting into being the guidance I give through the mouths of the prophets you will find all fear of the future leave you.
I gave you an example in Scripture of how to prepare for tribulation times in the story of Joseph. I would instruct you to study the account of how he was led to prepare for famine in the land. I tell you, My people, there is all possibility that famine could come upon your land.
I tell you, My people, My Word is truth and whatever is spoken therein shall surely come to pass. I shall give you instructions in how to prepare a food storage for times of leanness in your land. Do not think of it as preparing to save yourselves but rather as a ministry to the poor in your midst. In thus doing you shall enter into the realm of the miraculous. Even as I provided manna for My people in the wilderness so shall I do again in these modern days. Even as I brought miracles of increase in days of old so shall I do in these modern days as the need arises. I shall multiply what little you have in order to feed thousands as I did long ago with the loaves and the fishes. Go forth, My children, and fill your storehouses, having no fear of spoilage for I will preserve your food.
My people, there are many other ways in which you can prepare for disasters to come upon your land so you must listen carefully to the words I have given to the prophets whom I have sent forth. Listen, listen and hear the words which they speak. Reveal to all whom you meet what I have revealed to you.