O, My beloved people, how I need you in these days of tribulation throughout the world. I am speaking to you today as Isaiah spoke to the people so long ago...
And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send and who will go for Us? 'Then I said , 'Here am I! Send me.' And He said, 'Go and tell the people..'
My beloved ones, how I yearn to hear you answer, as did Isaiah, "Here am I. Send me.". I am calling you to come to Me, all those who are willing to go into all the world to tell the people about My salvation. Indeed, 'Go, and tell the people,' Go and tell the multitudes who have never heard the truth contained in My Scriptures and of My salvation which is offered so freely to all.
I am equipping and sending many of My people as Missionaries to far off lands. Young people with their children who have said, "Here am I. Send me." How blessed they shall be as they enter into the harvest fields of the world.
O, My people, Bible prophecy is being fulfilled as never before, in these last days.
My precious people, does not this Scripture aptly describe the lives of many in your midst. How desperately do they need Me to come and dwell in their hearts. Go forth, My children and proclaim Me to all whom you meet and see them saved for eternity.
It is a time of tribulation around the world. I am allowing the storms, the earthquakes, the tornadoes and other disasters to turn the eyes of the people to Me, to cause them to seek Me with all their hearts. Do not sit back and say, 'It will not touch me' as I tell you it will encompass the whole world..
O, My children, prepare your hearts and minds for what is ordained for your world. Prepare in the Spirit for the ministries I have called you to. Go forth as I shall direct you, to comfort the lonely, pray for the sick and the suffering and provide for the needy. By your good deeds you shall win them for Me.
I will endue upon each of you powerful healing ministries so that when you pray for the sick they shall be instantly healed. I tell you, My children, as you say to Me, "Here am I. Send me" I shall send you forth to minister for Me in many places and wonders and miracles shall follow you. I am raising up a people to go forth underv My anointing to win your world for Me.
But you, My beloved, seek to live by the direction of My Holy Scriptures.