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Tell My People

My little one....

You grieve for the apathy you are seeing around you. Ever since I first began to speak My messages into your heart I have admonished you to tell them, tell them, tell them. I have given you countless messages of warning for My people throughout the years since you began to serve Me and you have been faithful in proclaiming them even though you have suffered much rejection. My child, I tell you that My words of warning will still bear fruit as people encounter much tribulation and I bring to their remembrance the words of warning they heard so long ago.

Continue, My child, to proclaim the messages I give you for My people and I shall open their ears to hear. There are so many negative words being spoken unto My people today, causing fear and panic in their hearts. Tell My people to listen only to Me and not to the voices of the world. As they come before Me in prayer, seeking My will for them I shall speak unto each one of them My direction for their preparation for what lies ahead. I have a ministry for each of My people and they have been aware of My work in their lives in preparation for their ministries.

Tell My people they must cultivate a caring, compassionate heart for those people who have not heard My words of instruction for troubled times.They must not dwell on thoughts of survival for they and their families but rather in making preparation for those around them who are in need. They cannot comprehend the fruits they shall obtain from this ministry. I tell you, the hardest of hearts shall be softened and ready to receive Me as their Savior as chaotic times increase.

Tell My people they are coming into their finest hour and even in the midst of the greatest tribulation of all time they shall minister for Me with My anointing and My power upon them. As My people are faithful in obedience I shall protect them from war and famine, from earthquakes and pestilences as described in My Word for the last days.

My little one, continue in the ministry I have given you with My cloak of anointing upon you and I will guide you, bless you and protect you.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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