A new day has dawned, a day when I shall move among My people in a way that you have never known.
~ You shall be aware of My presence with you in more power.
~ You shall hear My still, small voice speaking to you.
~ You shall receive instant answers to your prayers.
~ You shall be infilled with the Holy Spirit as I pour out My Spirit on all flesh in these days.
~ You shall be instilled with a holy boldness to go forth and proclaim the Gospel of salvation to all.
~ You shall be endued with My power and anointing to see those instantly healed, for whom you pray.
~ You shall receive power over the enemy and he will flee from you.
I have created you, My children, for just such a day as this, when in the midst of great tribulation in the world you shall have victory over the enemy and take your world for Me.
O, My people, you shall experience walking in the supernatural with Me with wonders and miracles following you. Great miracles shall be manifested through you as you pray.
A great love shall abound amongst My people which shall foster a new desire to help each other. You shall have a new compassion for the poor and needy and you will enter into ministries of providing for them.
All of these blessings I shall bring upon you even as tribulation abounds around you. I have long been preparing you for tribulation. There are still many of you who avoid dwelling on the prophecies which tell of events to occur in the last days. As you do you negate the blessings that I am bestowing on those who are being obedient to My instruction for these difficult days.
O, My people, I am calling you now to come into the ministries I have ordained for you for these days. I am calling the youth to commit their lives unto Me and to become a part of the great army of youth whom I am raising up. This will be a powerful army, filled with My Holy Spirit and on fire for Me. As they submit unto Me I shall prepare them to stand before multitudes and speak forth the messages of truth from My Word which I shall give them. They will receive training from Me rather than from sources of higher learning. This army of youth shall march across the world, filling sports complexes and every available meeting place and multitudes will gather to hear them. I have long been preparing them, filling each with the power of My Holy Spirit, endueing them with the Gifts of the Spirit to operate in the ministries I shall give them. I shall manifest miracles through them and countless numbers will come into My kingdom through their ministries, countless numbers will be miraculously healed through their ministries. I shall send them forth, two by two to minister then bring them back to army headquarters for rest and refilling of the Spirit. They shall walk in My glory and all will know that they have been with Me.
Many aged preachers, teachers and evangelists shall transfer their mantles onto the shoulders of the young and I shall anoint them with power for ministry. They shall walk through times of tribulation with My protection surrounding them.
I speak to parents and all those in authority over these young people and I admonish you not to put boulders in the path of these young people but rather to help and encourage them in their ministries.
I speak to the youth of the world...fear not but step out in faith and embrace the ministry I have chosen for you and you shall rejoice as fruit from your ministry comes into being.