My precious people, it grieves Me to see so many troubled marriages today, both among you, My people, and among unbelievers in your midst. Do you not know that you can bring unto Me every trial in your marriage and I shall bring restoration. Have I not said in My Word?....
O, My people be in remembrance that, as you marry you become as one. Therefore, since it was I who joined you together, do not allow anyone to separate you. I urge you to live together in love, each of you putting the other first in your lives. I admonish you....
Husbands, determine to live in obedience to this Scripture, pouring out your love upon your wife and caring for her in all circumstances.
My precious ones, those who have become wives, I admonish you to be obedient to this Scripture for therein you will find happiness together.
I would say unto you, all who are Mine, there are countless couples around you, who are unbelievers and whose marriages are in a shambles. Seek to council with them, first of all telling them how to find Me as their Savior and then how to save their marriages. Share with them what My Word instructs regarding marriages.
I would say unto you, My people with troubled marriages and also to all unbelievers who are unhappy in their marriages that, as you are caught in the grip of your marriage problems, you are bringing damage to your children by instilling fear in their hearts.
Resolve to....
O fathers, seek to be obedient to this Scripture and thus establish peace in your homes.
Teach your children to...
To all of you who are unhappy in your marriages...
~ are you seeking My blessing on your marriage?
~ are you truly loving and showing love to your mate?
~ do you spend quality time together?
~ are you quietly discussing your problems with each other, voicing your needs?
~ are you considering marriage counciling which has restored many marriages.
~ are you praying together in agreement, thus establishing a bond between you.
My beloved ones, as you find healing for your own marriage I shall give you a desire to teach those around you how to find Me as Savior and how to bring healing to their marriages. Make it your goal to see happiness reign in all homes around you.