I am calling you today to fervent prayer for the many in your midst who are walking in the ways of the world and do not know Me as their Savior. As you pray for them and motivate others to pray also, you shall begin to see Me working in their midst, drawing them to Me and creating a love for Me in their hearts.
The few of you who reside in this complex and love Me and serve Me must allow My light within you to shine brightly for all to see as you walk among them. As you display love and kindness toward them they will begin to desire what they see in you. Develop a boldness, My little ones, and do not be afraid to proclaim Me before them. I shall make many opportunities for you to testify of what I have done for you. As you share with them what I have done in your lives those who hear will develop a hunger for Me in their lives. Watch and see where I am working in your midst and join me there and see what we shall accomplish together.
As you who know Me as your Savior begin to move out with your mouths speaking the words I shall give you, you shall see revival begin within the confines of your dwelling place. It will be as a ripple effect with one after another opening their hearts to Me.
To see the culmination of what I desire to do in your midst will require fervent and constant prayer by those who are Mine. Does My Word not say?...
As the remnant in your midst who belong to Me are faithful in prayer and witnessing of Me then shall the wonders and miracles begin to appear and many will be saved, healed in their bodies and set free of troubles and trials in their lives. There are some who cannot believe without they see the miracles and so they shall do.
I have sent My servant into your midst to clearly present understanding of My Word and as I send more and more people to hear they shall comprehend what I am saying to My people for these troubled times.
My little one, continue to tell those in your midst about Me. You are surrounded by a harvest field and I shall guide you in all that you do.