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Utterance Will Be Given To You

Heard in the night season Sept. 9/07

My precious child....

I am watching over you and protecting you from the enemy. I tell you, I have never left your side since first you invited Me into your life. Sometimes I remain quiet in order to cause you to seek Me more.

The enemy of your soul has been attacking you with disease and infirmity in your body because you have neglected to put up a guard against him. My little one, you must continually protect yourself with My armor, even if you must don it several times in a day. Battle him with all the weapons of warfare which I have given you, especially with My Word and you shall have the victory. over him.

My child, how I desire to remove all sickness and disease from your body but, My little one, you are not accomplishing My will for you in the harvest field where I have placed you. Step out in faith and see My power come upon you for ministry, see My words flow forth from you. Yes, My child, I see your busyness, most of it geared to serving Me but, as you release it to Me daily you shall experience My peace come upon you and a new order come into your life.

Do not neglect your prayer time with your prayer partners. It is in praying in agreement that you set in motion My plan and purpose for each of you. This is a time of great tumult in the world and I must have all My people prepared and ready to go forth at a moment's notice. You need to spend much time in prayer and in studying My Word.

I am calling you, My child, to seek Me with all your heart, especially seeking My hand of healing upon you. Do you think that My hand is shortened that I cannot heal? Long ago I taught you the pathway to healing and you need to walk that pathway again. You need to search My Scriptures and I will give you fresh revelations of healing to pray unto Me. You have always known the great power of praying My Word. Continue once more in this manner and see what I shall bring to pass in your life.

Cast off every thought of disease and infirmity. I tell you once again, "Speak not of thine infirmities." I know how difficult this is but as you speak forth negative words you bring them into being. Guard the words of your lips, speaking forth positive words and see them become reality. As you are faithful in this I shall raise you up to total healing in your body. As I accomplish this in you I shall also bring healing to all for whom you pray.

Teach your prayer partners how to begin to pray the healing Scriptures to Me. Admonish them to search their Bibles and I will reveal healing Scriptures that are just for them, to bring healing to their bodies. You do not know the power you bring into being for your ministries. This is a time for the supernatural to become real in your lives and you will be astounded by the miracles and wonders which shall follow you as you diligently pray for the people in your midst.

Go forth, My children, with My power and anointing upon you and see what I shall bring to pass in and through you. Be in remembrance of My Word.....

And for each of you that utterance may be given to you, that you may open your mouths boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel, that in it you may speak boldly as you ought to speak.
(Ephes. 6:19,20)

Email: Dorothea Montague
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