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You Shall Store Up Treasures In Heaven

My people, My beloved people...

All of you who are walking with Me are indeed beloved in My sight. I have witnessed your seeking hearts, ever turned toward Me. My children, you are storing up treasures in heaven by your obedience to My direction in My Word and by your good deeds. I am coming soon and I need your hands, your feet, your eyes, your ears, your open hearts to accomplish the many tasks I desire to be accomplished ere I come. Stay close to Me, My beloved people, ever seeking Me in the words of Scripture, ever desirous of doing My will.

As you observe the horrendous events taking place in the world you find it hard to keep fear from entering your hearts. I say unto you, I have all things under control and you have no cause to fear. Put all fear from you and listen for My voice as I give you instruction for even greater tribulation to come in the world.

In the days ahead shall be opportunities for you, My people, to minister for Me in countless ways that you have never dreamed of. Many of you shall leave the confines of your churches and seek out the lost in the hiways and byways of your land. You will preach and teach in gatherings in your homes, on the streets, in sports complexes and everywhere that people gather. As the chaos in the world increases people everywhere will be reaching out for hope and their hearts will be softened toward Me. My people, I am calling you to go forth and proclaim My salvation to everyone you meet, knowing that I will have prepared their hearts.

You must be prepared to nurture all who come to Me, to teach them the truth from My Word, to speak forth the words I shall give you for each individual person so that they can go forth and speak My words to others.

Even in the midst of horrendous times in the world multitudes shall be saved and revival shall prevail. What is revival but the multitudes coming to Me, receiving teaching and going forth to win others for Me. It is in the midst of troubled times that peoples hearts are turned to Me.

My beloved people, the troubled times shall be times when the signs and wonders and miracles shall be manifested through each one of you who believe. Great miracles of healing shall sweep the world and multitudes shall be made well as you pray for them. The poor shall suddenly have plenty as you pray. People's needs shall be met in miraculous ways as you pray. As food and other commodities become scarce I shall multiply what you have as you pray.

Go forth, My beloved, fearless and with boldness to win the world for Me, knowing that My anointing rests upon you.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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