My dearly beloved people, I desire to speak to you this day regarding your Spiritual walk with Me. I am observing many who are not walking according to My direction contained in My Word. Have you...
O, My people, I implore you to walk according to My Word. Search the Scriptures and determine what sins you need to repent of and change in your Christian walk. I need each of you to serve Me in these latter days but you must stand clean before Me, having repented of all sin and been forgiven. Beloved, are you not oberving the evidence that you are indeed living in the end times. Are you not seeing the trials and tribulations coming upon many parts of the world which were foretold to happen at the end of the age, by the prophets of old.
O, My children, I have not told you that I will remove you from all tribulation but, I do tell you that I shall be with you through whatever comes upon you.
My people, the time of the end draws ever closer. I am coming soon to gather up My faithful followers and take them to heaven to dwell with Me there. O, My people, do not procrastinate, thinking you have plenty of time to repent of sin and get right with Me. No so, My precious ones, you must do it now, lest it be forever too late.
There is much to be accomplished ere I come, multitudes to be reached with the message of salvation and brought into My kingdom. Who have I on earth but each of you to spread the Gospel message to all whom you meet. Consider the facts that your unsaved friends and relatives are destined to spend eternity in hell unless someone reaches them for Me. O, My children, go forth and preach the Gospel to every creature.
O, My children, I have been drawing ever closer to you who are Mine, washing and cleansing you, making you ready for the end time ministries I have chosen for you. It shall be a time for great miracles to be seen at your hands as you pray for the sick or for other needs. My power and My anointing shall be seen upon you, My people, as you minister to all who cross your path and shall be in evidence as you pray.
My people, the time of great tribulation throughout the world is at hand, even on your doorstep. Those who walk uprightly before Me I shall protect and shall use you in many ways to help others who are caught up in tribulation. I shall supply all you shall need to help and care for these people and in so doing bring many unto Me.
Prepare, My people for the days ahead, release your minds and hearts to Me that I may give unto you a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, who will direct your paths in these difficult days. Continue, My children, to spend much time seeking Me in My Word and I shall open up the Scriptures to your understanding. Pray much for the needs you see in your midst and you shall experience My answers to your prayers.