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All Should Come To Repentance

My people, My people...

I am calling you to repentance this day. So many of you are walking with one foot in the world and I ask you to repent of all sin in your lives and seek My forgiveness. As you do this I shall lead you in powerful ministries for Me in these days of great tribulation in the world. Does My Word not say...

Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
(Acts 2:38)

O, My people, do not have the mind set of, 'There's plenty of time to get right with God.' Do not be deceived for I am coming soon to gather up My people and bring them to heaven to dwell with Me there.

The masses have become hardened in their hearts to the things of Me so I must allow this time of great chaos to engulf them and to bring them to the place where they have nowhere to turn except unto Me. Their riches and wealth will not help them, their material things will not help them, their wisdom and knowledge will not help them, only in Me shall they find help in their times of trouble.

A time of great revival shall sweep through your land and the whole world, in which hearts everywhere shall be softened and long forgotten knowledge of Me shall emerge and multitudes shall turn unto Me in sorrow for their sins.

O, My people, I call on you today to accept the trials I am allowing to touch your lives, to learn to trust and obey, knowing that I am preparing you to sustain the great influx of new converts. You must learn to be channels for My love to flow through you, out to the lost in the world.

This is My last great harvest of souls ere I come for those who are Mine and, I tell you, the harvest shall be greater than you can possibly imagine. As multitudes in a lost and dying world turn unto Me, you, My people, must be ready to love them, to nurture them and to teach them the things of Me. You must be ready with a thorough knowledge of My Word.

Come, My people, come before Me now and receive My guidance for your lives. Discard all apathy and become alive and active in serving Me. I will give you all enablement for that which I would have you to do. I shall accentuate your every talent and send you forth to minister in that area. I shall give you some new talents in order to serve Me better. Be ever alert, My children, to hear My voice as I speak instructions to you.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promises as some count slackness, but in longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
(11 Peter 3:9)

Again, I call you, My people, unto repentance. You must, you must seek out all sin in your lives and bring it before Me to receive forgiveness. Only then can you go forth and minister to the people.

Everywhere people are seeking hope for the future and you, My people, must be prepared to minister hope unto them, hope that can only be found in Me and My Word. The world is crying for a way out of the despair that has gripped their hearts in the face of the trials and tribulations that have beset them. You, My people, must share My great and precious promises found in My Word pertaining to My love, My salvation, about how I will be with them, how I will never leave them nor forsake them, and so many more.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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