May you speak forth the words that Paul spoke so long ago....
My people, I am calling you into service today, in many facets of ministry. The world is nearing the end of time and it is imperative that everyone be reached with the message of salvation and other truths from My Word. One of the facets of ministry to which I am calling you is "to comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort with which you have been comforted by God." All around you are hurting, brokenhearted people who need someone to speak words of comfort to them in the midst of their troubles. I am sure that most of you have received words of comfort from someone when you have been been in trouble and you knew that I was using them to minister to you.
O, My people, I shall endue you with a heart of compassion for those who are enduring great difficulties and trials in your lives, be it sickness in your bodies, be it financial problems, be it rebellious children or any other troubles and you shall know a longing to touch their lives and to encourage and comfort them as I have done for you. It is as they realize that they are not alone and that someone loves and cares for them that they begin that road back to peace in their lives.
Beloved, I tell you, that this is one of the most rewarding ministries that I am bestowing on My people today and in many instances it will result in bringing people unto Me, seeking to make Me their Lord and Savior.
The time foretold in the Scriptures, of great tribulation to come upon the world is already begun. Wars and rumors of wars are in progress in many parts of the world. Famines are rampant in many countries and many are starving to death, especially little children. Pestilences are bringing death to many parts of the world and are becoming evident in the western world. O, My people, do you not see that I am endeavoring to get your attention and call you to fervent prayer for these people. You are living in a land of great plenty and I desire that you learn to share with those in need, in your country and abroad. I have put in place countless opportunities for you to do this.
O, My people, young and old, I tell you, I am doing a new thing amongst you. I am pouring out upon you such a manifestation of My power that you never dreamed was possible. I have raised you up for just such a day as this and you shall do great exploits for Me as I equip you and send you forth. Even in the midst of a world in tribulation such as has never been known, I shall use each of you as vessels through whom great miracles shall be manifested...of providing food for the hungry, healing for the sick, salvation for the lost and untold miracles of provision.
Beloved, I am filling your hearts with such love and compassion for suffering people such as you have never before known, as you go forth to minister to the hurting, brokenhearted people in your midst and wherever I shall send you.