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He Shall Hide Me In His Pavillion

I say unto you, My people, do not let fear encompass you in the light of great trials and tribulation which are coming upon the world. Did not prophets of old foretell of great tribulation to come at the end of the age. I am calling each one of you who are Mine to come unto Me and receive My guidance and direction for you in the midst of tribulation.

Yes, My precious ones, you shall encounter tribulation but am I not greater than any tribulation? As you remain close to Me I shall protect you and use you to be a light to a lost and dying world. Does not My Word say...

For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavillion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.
(Psalm 27:5)

O, My people, trust in Me with all your hearts and I will guide you onto the path I desire that you tread. You know not of the power and anointing I shall give you to minister unto the people. Even in the midst of turmoil in the world yet you shall minister to those who cross your path.

Yes, My people, the media is speaking forth fearful words of what shall come upon the earth but as you willingly seek for My will in your lives you shall accomplish great things for Me. You, My people, shall be the channels through whom I shall bring revival across your land and you shall be the channels through whom the new converts shall be taught of Me. I shall raise up pastors, teachers and prophets from your midst to minister to them so that they, too shall go forth and bring people into My kingdom.

O, My people, I am calling you to pray for My direction in what I desire you to do to prepare for disasters which shall come upon you as part of troubled times. There is much that you can do in preparation for those times, which will help you to endure them. You need only ask and I shall give you clear guidance. You must consider those who do not know Me but who will have great needs in these times and be willing to help them. It is in the midst of helping them that they shall seek and find Me as their Saviour and Lord.

Men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming upon the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
(Luke 21:26, 28)

Yes, My people, you shall encounter disasters and destructions in the days to come but fear not for My plan for the world shall be accomplished. Lift up your heads for your redemption draws near.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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