I say unto you, My people, prepare, prepare for the days ahead. I have spoken to you on many occasions to begin to make preparation for the tribulation times to come upon the whole world. My beloved people, so many of you are ignoring the voices of the prophetic people whom I have sent forth. Begin to listen carefully to all who are speaking prophetically. Learn to discern that which is truly from Me and discard the rest. Put into being what the true prophets are speaking to you. Be much in prayer and as you listen I shall speak directly to you in a personal way.
You have witnessed the earthquake and the hurricanes that have come upon parts of the world and have brought much devastation. I warn you, My people, the possibility of great tribulation is possible in every part of the world. It is to the extent that you listen to My direction for you that will determine your safety. I will be calling all My people to follow Me in ministries of helping those in need and in doing so, many will come to Me.
The enemy is devising many plans to harm My people but as you trust in Me you shall have victory over the enemy.
Do you see your need to follow closely after Me and to listen for My instructions. If you see signs that the enemy could strike you where you are listen carefully for I shall instruct you where to relocate. If you see signs of food and water scarcity quickly assemble a storage. If you hear of the possibility of a nuclear strike in your area follow directions for safety. Even now seek all the information possible about nuclear war and do what you can to prepare. My people, as you follow the directions you have received, you shall walk safely through nuclear fallout to help others.
Learn all you can about chemical warfare and prepare as best you can. Study all information about the flu virus and prepare accordingly. I will speak to you much direction but I desire that you do what you can to prepare for every kind of tribulation. It is as you spend much time in studying My Word and in prayer that you bring into being My protection for you and for My plan for you to serve Me.
O, My people, eliminate all fear in your hearts and minds. Search My Scriptures for My admonition concerning fear and pray the words to Me constantly.
O, My people, you are living in the latter days and all that the prophets of old prophesied to take place in the latter days shall surely come to pass. As you release yourselves unto Me for My will to encompass you I shall use you greatly in ministry and, as you pray for people you shall see them open their hearts to Me, you shall see sickness and disease healed, as you pray. You shall see wonders and miracles take place, as you pray.