My precious people, you need to be searching My Word for what has been prophesied for the last days and preparing to meet those days as I shall direct you. Great tribulation lies ahead for all the peoples of the world but out of it great multitudes shall accept Me as their Savior and Lord. Your preparation for those days should involve much time in prayer. You need to be in prayer for all levels of Government, from the highest to the lowest. As you persevere in prayer you shall witness many in Government circles coming into My kingdom. You need to be in prayer for My intervention in the war torn areas of the world. I have a plan and a destiny for every country of the world and all the peoples of the world, which shall surely come into being through the prayers of My people.
The prophets of old have prophesied great tribulation for the time of the end which you are witnessing at this moment which would indicate that you are indeed living in the last days. As tribulation manifests throughout the world it brings fear into the hearts of unbelievers and causes them to seek Me. My people, I need each of you ready and prepared to lead these people to Me through a knowledge of My Word and a desire to win souls for Me.
You may be saying unto Me, "But what form of tribulation shall we see?" and I say unto you that even as spoken in My Word "there shall be wars and rumors of wars" You may say, "But there has been wars and runors of wars world wide, since the beginning of time." Yes, My people, but the wars that shall be fought in these days cannot be compared to the wars which have been fought down through the ages. Man has devised technology and weapons exist that could wipe out whole cities in a moment of time. O, My people, pray fervently that this shall not happen. In the twinkling of an eye I can render useless the weapons of the enemy.
Does not My Word proclaim? " And there will be famines." Yes, My people, there have been famines down through the ages, even as the great famine in the days of Joseph. I tell you, My people, there is the possibility for a world wide famine as these days of tribulation continue. Again I would say unto you, My people, as you fervently pray that I would divert famine from your land it shall be so. However, My desire is that you provide what you can for yourselves.
Does not My Word say? "And there will be pestilences." Do you know that the enemy is seeking to be able to manifest man made diseases that cannot be controlled. Again I would say unto you, My people, if you will fervently pray against such things I can render them obsolete. My precious people,you must learn to trust in Me with all your hearts and also know that I shall protect My own, those who are serving Me with all their hearts.
Does not My Word say? "And there will be earthquakes in various places." I tell you, My beloved, the occurence of earthquakes shall accelerate around the world and your only protection from them is to totally put yourselves into My care and trust in Me.
The storms and the winds and the hurricanes shall attack your shores with more frequency and again you must trust in Me for protection. These are all a part of this time of tribulation. As you become willing I shall use each of you in countless ways, to rescue the perishing, to help those in need, to care for the dying and to bring comfort and healing to those who are sick.
Abandon all fear from your heats and I shall bring into being the ministries I have ordained for you.