O, My people, I need to warn you that these times of chaos throughout the world shall only accelerate and I desire that you be ready to meet them headlong.
What does My Word say about the last days?....
O, My people, even now is this Scripture being fulfilled and My Spirit is being poured out on ALL flesh...the saved and unsaved alike. I am giving the youth of the world powerful prophetic messages and countless young men are seeing visions and old men are dreaming dreams. Again, I would say to you, mothers and fathers, pray for your young people for I have chosen them to pick up the mantles of the elderly and run with them throughout the world, teaching and preaching and winning the world for Me. Many of these young people shall be endued with powerful healing ministries and miracles of healing shall follow them.
My beloved people, hear the voice of the Lord, know that I am speaking to each of you today, calling you to My side to receive all that I have for you, to prepare you for the days ahead.
My Word is truth and if you are obedient in following My Word in the latter days I shall never leave you nor forsake you. I shall be with you through all the tribulation that shall come upon you. I have not promised that you will not encounter difficult times but I do promise to be with you and bring you safely through all tribulation. I shall pour out upon you, My power and anointing and you shall accomplish great things for Me even in the midst of perilous times.
My precious ones, be careful to study My Word diligently and to put it into practice in your lives so that you not face My judgment when I come.