I come to you today seeking your prayers. I have just returned from hospital where I was being treated for fluid on my lungs, infection and a touch of pneumonia. The Dr.'s believe they were able to clear up the problem but I am still very weak. I enjoy good care here at the Lodge where I live, with a nurse checking my condition every day, also PCA's (personal care aids) who care for me in many ways.
The first night in hospital I was not able to sleep but Jesus was with me in such a wonderful way, speaking to me constantly throughout the night..."I will never leave you nor forsake you"..."It's not to worry for I have not finished using you on earth"..."I shall bring health and healing to your body"...and much more. What a wonderful Lord we serve!!!!
After I returned yesterday to my room here at the Lodge the Lord began speaking a message to me. I believe this message is for everyone who is going through fiery trials in their lives. With love Dorothea
My beloved child...
Together we have walked through a valley of pain and suffering and together we have walked out of the valley and into the sunshine again. O, My child, think it not strange that you have suffered for out of the suffering you shall enter into a new dimension in your walk with Me.
My child, you cannot conceive of what I shall do in your life and ministry because you were willing to suffer for Me. As I raise you up into wellness in your body you shall perceive a new strenth, My strength, flowing into you, that you have never known before. My glory shall rest upon you and you shall be aware of My power for ministry like never before.
To you, My child, I would say...
Your heart has been willing to minister for Me in your surroundings but you have struggled with weakness in your body. That, My child, shall be no more for I shall pour out My strength into your body and you shall go forth with power and My words shall flow from you, which shall touch the hearts of many and bring them to the point of receiving Me as their Savior.
I shall renew the healing ministry you have operated in so faithfully, praying with many for My healing hand to touch them. You have seen some evidence of My healing but you have yearned for a breakthrough of wonders and miracles, as you pray. Beloved, I shall give you the desire of your heart and miracles of healing shall be seen as you pray with the people in your midst.
Out of your suffering shall emerge a time of ministry that you never dreamed possible. You will never know the peace and comfort you have brought to the countless people who have sought you for prayer and I have used you as a vessel through whom I have been able to speak to them. Continue in this ministry and I shall bring great blessings upon you as you are obedient to My leading.
My little one, you have been concerned about priorities in your busy life. Thrust that concern from you and just totally put your trust in Me. I would admonish you to seek Me every morning for direction for the day...
~ One day it might be special prayer for someone in need.
~ Another day just a visit with someone who is lonely.
~ Another day seated at your desk, replying to those who have sought you out with their problems.
~ Another day just a time of rest and coming before Me with your praise and thanksgiving.
~ Another day I might call you to accomplish those tasks you have committed to in your facility.
My beloved one, stay close to Me and I shall stay close to you.