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Signs Of The Times

A message from the Lord heard on Dec. 5/07

My precious people, I say unto you today...

You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.
(Matt. 16:3b)

So many of you are negating the signs of the times that you are seeing and hearing everywhere around you. I have been alerting you by sending forth My prophets to speak forth words of warning to you but you are not listening. Some of you scarcely know what is spoken of in My Holy Scriptures regarding events to take place in the latter days in which you are living.

O, My people, awake from your sleep and study the signs of the times which can be seen everywhere. Read your daily newspapers, listen to news broadcasts and determine where you are in the sands of time. Much tribulation has come upon the world but I hear many of you saying that it will not come near you. Does not My Word say?....

For then there will be great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
(Matt. 24:21)

O, My people, I tell you, this Scripture is referring to all the world.

Now, I tell you, My beloved, I have a plan and purpose for My people for the end of time and I shall surely bring it into being. All of you, My people, who are faithful in walking with Me, shall I use in these last days to bring the multitudes unto Me, those who have not yet heard the truth of eternal life with Me through salvation.

My children, do not negate the power of My Holy Spirit. Any who have not received the infilling of My Holy Spirit, seek it now for you will need that power in the troubled days to come. Come to Me, My children, seeking My direction just for you in the tribulation days ahead. Yes, you will need to make preparation for those days.
~ You will need to prepare a storage of food for you and your family and for those who cross your path and have nothing.
~ You will need to gather extra clothing, warm blankets, toiletries and other things which I will bring to your mind.
~ Perhaps the most important is your spiritual walk with Me, being able to stand before Me with all sin confessed and forgiven.
~ You need to be much in prayer, seeking My direction for leading all unbelievers unto Me.
~ You need to store in your hearts My message of salvation in order to be prepared to speak it forth whenever the opportunity arises.

I tell you, My children, as you are obedient to My will for you, I shall endue you with great power for tribulation times. You will have power to speak to the forces of nature and witness them become subdued and harmless. O, My people, stay close to Me and I shall stay close to you and direct your paths.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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