I see you running to and fro, ever seeking new revelations, new experiences, following every wind of doctrine that comes to your attention. I tell you, My children, there is much new teaching going forth in the world, some of it inspired by Me and some coming from the enemy. You must learn to discern the true from the false.
As always the evil one seeks to bring confusion into the minds of My people and you must be constantly on your guard, with your armor in place and ready to go into battle with the enemy. Does not My Word warn....
You must learn to test everything you hear by the Scriptures and receive sure confirmation before accepting any teaching. I admonish you to pray for My discernment so that you not be led astray. You must learn to sit at My feet and allow Me to give you new revelations and new experiences with Me. Many false prophets have gone forth into the world in this day in which you are living saying, "Thus sayeth the Lord."
Again I say unto you, test their words in the Scriptures and discard anything that is not in agreement with My Word.
My beloved people, you are living in an age fraught with great danger of being led astray from the truth and falling away from My path. You are also living in an age of great revival, and seeing the move of My Spirit such as has never been seen before. You have a choice, My people, either to go forward with Me into the heights of glory in My kingdom, or of remaining in that place of false security and apathy or of falling away into the world which is ruled by the enemy.Choose you this day whom you will serve.
To reach the pinnacle of glory with Me you must seek to be set free of all sin in your lives, all unforgiveness, hatred, and the hurts that hold you in bondage and become clean, shining vessels for My use. My people, you are living in the last days....
I grieve at the division that has risen up within My Body. My little ones, do not judge or criticize, simply pray for every evidence of division that comes to your attention. Satan's time is running out and he has mustered all of his forces to come against your families, your churches, your ministries and My people everywhere. I am calling intercessors, those who would be willing to give of their time to intercede for the troubled world around them. I am calling those who would be willing to search My Word diligently, seeking for the hidden knowledge which I desire to impart to My people for these last days.
I tell you, My people, you are as a sleeping giant and I desire that you arise and conquer your world for Me. To conquer your world you will touch the lives of a vast army, bringing them into My kingdom. Awake, My people, and go forth with My power and anointing to sustain you.