This is the story of My birth and I question how many, even of My people, read the story at Christmas or bring it to remembrance. Multitudes are caught up with the trappings of the world at Christmas....the frenzy of shopping for gifts, the spending of money they do not have, expensive decorations and more. However, in the midst of the busyness of the season there is emerging organizations who are attempting to alleviate the suffering of the poor families by supplying food for them and gifts for their children to bring happiness for them at Christmas. Multitudes of children in far off lands who would not receive gifts at Christmas are being blessed by the boxes of gifts they receive, packed by children in western countries and distributed by an organization whom I prompted to begin this ministry. I am working in the hearts of many, causing them to think of others at this festive season.
The world is attempting to take all things pertaining to Me or My heavenly Father, out of existence in the world. Children in schools are no longer allowed to mention our names in their schools, All symbols of My birth are no longer allowed to be displayed, My Word is being banned in public places. students are no longer allowed to meet for study of My Word. I would say unto you, My people, that if you will commit to faithful prayer about these situations, I will give you the victory and they shall not happen in your midst.
Come together, My precious families, at this Christmas season and enjoy the reading of the Christmas story from Scripture. Talk to your children about the true meaning of Christmas, that they turn away from the emphasis on receiving gifts. Enjoy an exchange of simple gifts and partake with family of a simple meal. O, My people, I am calling you to determine to make this Christmas season the most blessed you have ever known, not only for you and your family but for all those whose lives you will touch. It may be an invitation to a poor family to share your Christmas dinner or an invitation to someone to accompany you to a carol sing or a Christmas program or a gift of food to someone in need. You might want to volunteer to help an organization who are serving Christmas dinners to the street people. There are so many ways you can bless others at this Christmas season and as you do you will find that you are receiving such abundant blessings that you never dreamed possible.
Go forth, My beloved people, and discover new ways to touch the hearts of everyone you meet, making it a truly memorable Christmas celebration.