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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

My people, I would say unto you this day...let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Cling to Me, walk not away from My side, take shelter under My wings. Great forces of darkness are coming against My beloved ones and you must use every weapon I have given you, to combat them. O yes, they are strong in their onslaught but the weapons of your warfare are stronger by far. O My people, do not let your guard down, even for a moment, for the enemy will take advantage of every weakness.

Beloved, it is as you exercise every authority over the enemy that you become strong in Me. It is as you seek Me in My Word that you enter into My covering of protection from the hands of the evil one. Be constant in abiding in My Word.

The winds of wars and rumors of wars, as foretold by the prophets of old as the time of sorrows to precede My coming, are blowing across the world. Be not overly concerned for I shall care for My own...those who walk with Me under the anointing of My Spirit, those who have learned to be overcomers.

My people, this is a time of the testing of your faith. I urge you to be 'strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.' Do not let the things of the world overcome you but rather walk on the path which I have set before you, seeking always for My guidance.

I say unto you, My people, that My hand is in everything that is happening all over the world and all things shall evolve according to My plan. It will take the holocaust to bring the multitudes into the place of surrendering their wills and accepting Me as the Lord of their lives. Is it not better tto endure suffering and receive eternal life than to be endued with the torments of hell? It is in suffering that hearts are made ready to receive Me.

"How do we prepare for the holocaust?" you may ask. Of utmost importance is your relationship with Me. I desire that you walk before Me in holiness with all sin in your life confessed and forgiven. I desire that you evangelize wherever you go, telling all that you meet about Me, about My love for them and My desire to come into their hearts. It will be much easier to tell them than you suppose for I shall have prepared every heart to receive Me. Always remember to keep My light shining brightly through you for all to see and they shall be drawn to that light as a moth is drawn to a light.

Tough times are ahead, My children, and you must seek me constantly for My will for you. Know that I shall provide for My own but I desire to use each one of you in that provision, sharing, caring and helping one another. In the midst of the trials and tribulations I shall use you mightily and you must be ready. I shall not require all of you to prepare in the same way. Some of you I shall send forth with My words pouring from your lips, touching the hearts of the people and bringing them to Me. Some of you shall be My watchmen, abiding on the wall, to hear a word from Me and warn My people. For these I shall supply your every need. Some of you I have called to provide physical sustenance to the hordes coming out of the holocaust. You will need to minister to their physical bodies and by your love and compassion they will be led to Me. Yes, you will need to gather food into your garner, some of you in large quantities and some just a little for Me to multiply. Listen, listen, My little ones, for I desire to give you explicit direction for what I desire you to do.

I tell you, many unique ministries shall evolve out of this time of preparation and each of you serving Me in your own little niche shall fit together and complete the whole that will accomplish great and mighty things for Me. Be faithful and obedient, My little ones, for even one break in the chain causes disruption of My plan.

My children, know that I shall supply all of your needs, I shall protect you and keep you, I shall guide you in all that you do. You must develop that perfect trust in Me that, as you give your whole life unto Me, you shall have perfect peace and joy, knowing that My will is being accomplished in your lives.

Email: Dorothea Montague
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