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These links are included as many have asked for help in learning about
what it means to be Vampire, and how to develope their skills.

Read,  learn  and study but above all enjoy....

My greatest thanks and appreciation to all those who helped supply links and information for this site.  With Special Mention for work above and beyond the call to My Sister Storndream, My Best friend Rowan Arikel and the irrepressable VNa QiaV

The Sabbat

The Sabbat 101

The Camarilla

The Black Hand

"WoD" The Black Hand

The Lasombra

The Tzimisce

Tzimisce Clan pages


The Ventrue

The Brujah

The Ravnos

The Malkavians

The Gangrels

The Nosferatu

The Cappadocians

The Salubri


The Toreadore

The Assamites

The Setites



Chimerstry (from VtM Texts)







(From the White Wolf Texts)

Thaumaturgy Powers
(From the Net)

Thaumaturgy Rituals

Dementation (from VtM Texts)

Melpominee (from VtM Texts)

Mortis (from VtM Texts)

Necromancy  (from VtM Texts)

Nihilistics (from VtM Texts)

Presence (from VtM Texts)

Protean (from VtM Texts)

Quietus (from VtM Texts)

The Children of the Dreadful Night

Theatre Des Vampires

Angilingus Daemonius Sanguinus

Sentis Ex Interitas

The Dark Side of the Web

The Cobweb and Spider Ring

Dark Angel's and
Clever Demon's Ring of Darkness

Vamps and Nightmares

World of Darkness
(Excellent rescource page)

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

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Legal Stuff

This page is an entirely unofficial use of the Vampire: The Masquarade and A World of Darkness gaming materials published by White Wolf Game Studios and not intended as an official or profit making venture in any way, shape or form. Although the use of these concepts, rules, etc., is unauthorized, no infringement is intended. This page is not affiliated with White Wolf Games
Studios in any way and should not be viewed as such. This page are freely available for viewing and personal use, but are, under no circumstances whatsoever, to be sold for profit.

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Last edited 11/7/98