From Jal Khambata NEW DELHI: In a sudden move, Union Cabinet Secretary Prabhat Kumar issued a new circular stating that the Vajpayee Government had "full powers" and soon thereafter the government carried out a major bureaucratic reshuffle affecting eight top IAS officers. The most powerful Home Secretary B. P. Singh was virtually denigrated as Health Secretary and in comes in his place the 1965 batch Uttar Pradesh cadre IAS officer Kamal Pandey, who was hitherto the Union Agriculture Secretary. health Secretary K K Buxi goes to Planning Commission as an advisor. The Cabinet Secretary's circular dated May 1 but received by the Secretaries only on Monday almost turns upside down his own earlier circular of April 18 issued on "Conduct of Business of the Government." In continuation of the April 18 circular, the new one clarifies that "the present government is not a caretaker government under the Constitution and it has full powers, though they are to be used with discretion." "This implies that even policy decisions could be taken if they are absolutely necessary and brook no delay," says the circular, directing the secretaries to immediately communicate its contents to their respective ministers. The clarificatory circular comes in the wake of controversy as to the powers of the Vajpayee Government to take policy decisions or any decision that has major financial implication. The Congress has already met the President and protested against the Government conducting as if it was not a caretaker government. Parliamentary Affairs Minister P Rangarajan Kumarmangalam and Urban Development Minister Ram Jethmalani are reported to have strongly protested when the bureaucrats had brought to their notice the earlier circular of the Cabinet Secretary stating that they cannot take policy decisions. The Cabinet Secretary had reportedly obtained an OK from the Prime Minister's office before issuing the previous circular and yet he reluctantly issued the clarificatory circular after Attorney General Soli Sorabji reportedly gave the opinion that there was no Constitutional bar on the government taking any decision that a regular government can take. END. ------------