From Jal Khambata NEW DELHI: Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa, who flew back to Delhi Friday night, was physically and mentally tortured during his captivity in Pakistan, though the Indian Air Force (IAF) would not describe it as "torture" since it is part of the routine interrogation of anybody captured from the enemy's side. All that the IAF spokesman said about the treatment meted out to him after he was captured on baling out from his failed MiG jet fighter was that he was subjected to "physical and mental measures" during intense interrogations in Pakistan, but there were no apparent injuries on his body. The spokesman, who disclosed the medical checkup which Nachiketa underwent on Saturday at the regular media briefing, declined to say anything except that "physical and mental measures" were used when repeatedly asked if he were tortured. He said Nachiketa withstood the interrogations and he can only say that "no injuries were apparent at this stage." Nachiketa would undergo "routine checking" and then return to his duties, the spokesman added. END. -------------