Part Six

Giles scanned the group sitting in his living room. Willow, Xander and Oz were sitting on his couch, Buffy and Angel were sitting on the love seat, trying not to look at each other, Cordelia was reclining in his Laz-E-Boy, looking bored; she already had heard the story.

"As you can see, we have quite a mystery on our hands. I was hoping Cordelia can solve a bit of this puzzle." Cordelia snapped to attention at the sound of her name.

"Me! What do I know?"

Xander snorted but didn't say anything. Cordy just shot him a look.

"Your wish, Cordelia. What was the exact phrasing of your wish?" Giles waited expectantly.

"Uh...and what wish would that be...I have a lot of wishes you know!" Cordelia was nervous, she knew Giles was referring to that freaky Anya girl's wish but nothing bad happened with her wish or did it?

"Come on, Cordelia, we need help here. Buffy needs your help, don't let her down." This came from Angel whose sincere direct approach worked magic on Cordelia.

"OK. I wished..." She paused, they were going to go ballistic on her. "I wished Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale, but it was all Xander's fault!"

"My fault, my fault! You make some stupid wish and it's my fault!

"If you and Willow never kissed, I would've never made that stupid wish! You're just lucky I didn't wish you to hell!" Cordelia snapped her mouth shut but it was too late to take back what she said, she guiltily looked at Angel. "Sorry. I didn't mean your hell."

"I thought you said we were friends? Why would you wish that I never came to Sunnydale?" Buffy sounded genuinely hurt.

"I just thought that...If you never came, then I would've never have gotten involved with Xander and if I never dated him, he would have never had the opportunity to break my heart." Cordelia looked down, she rarely felt sorry for any of her actions, but this time she did.

Giles just sighed, all this teen melodrama was really too much.

Xander was looking at Cordy's bowed head, wanting to go over and put his arms around her, but he knew this softer side of Cordy wouldn't last long. Willow felt horrible, now she was feeling guilty all over again, she never guessed the long term effects of her and Xander kissing. She glanced at Oz, he smile slightly and squeezed her hand. Things were still OK with Oz.

"It's OK, Cordelia, you couldn't have known what would happen." Buffy then looked at Giles.

"Now what?"

"Now we figure out exactly where you and our Buffy's life split."

Buffy recounted her life since her calling as the Chosen One.

"It's seems that you and our Buffy were one and the same until Buffy's move to Sunnydale. Cordelia's wish seemed to manipulate the laws of the universe. The Wish created a whole other world where you existed in parallel to our world. Buffy, you said that the other Giles mentioned that Cordelia told him to summon you, that she had made a mistake and this wasn't the way it was supposed to be." Giles was onto something. The gang looked at him expectantly.

"Yeah, he said he was going to destroy the demon's power source and change everything back. I guess he did it. He also said that Cordelia was killed earlier that day...!"

"What! Yuck!" Cordelia couldn't believe that her own wish killed her.

"Let that be a lesson to you, young lady!" Xander grinned over to Cordy. Surprisingly, she grinned back.

"As I was saying," Buffy frowned at the two, Jeez, they never stopped. "He didn't know who she was, but his helpers did, they knew her from around school."

"She attended Sunnydale, yet she never came into the library once or attempted to help me in any fashion before."

"And so..." Buffy hated when Giles dragged things out.

"We can assume that the Cordelia that told me about her wish and told me to call Buffy to Sunnydale was this Cordelia."

"I was never in that freakazoid world, I would've remembered!"

"Not necessarily, Cordelia, the power behind this type of magic is very strong. Your mind may have been wiped clean of its memory of your time in that other world. From what we know of other dimensions, time moves differently there, a second here can translate to a lifetime in another realm."

"And since Cordelia didn't run into herself we can assume that only one Cordelia really exists." Angel was starting to catch on to Giles theory.

"Thank God for that." Only Oz heard Willow utterance.

"Anybody else lost? Please let someone else be lost!" Xander was totally confused.

"Hate to admit, but I'm right there in confusion land with ya!" Buffy smiled over at Xander, who smirked back at her then a memory flashed through her head.

"You killed Angel!" Buffy now remembered the dark haired vamp that had killed Angel as he took a bolt in the heart meant for her!

"As much as I would like to take credit for that, the grand prize goes to Darla, like 200 years ago." Xander had no idea where Buffy was going with her statement.

"And you," Buffy now turned to Willow. "You were a vampire, he killed you!" Buffy pointed to Oz.

"What! You killed me! How could you?" Willow couldn't help but be a little miffed.

"I don't...I never..." Oz was stuttering.

"So, where are all those "deep thoughts" now!" Xander liked to see Oz, for once, on the hot seat.

"Buffy, exactly what are you referring to?" Giles jumped in before he lost control of this meeting.

"When I was fighting the Master, Angel and I broke into the Bronze. Angel was the first to die." Buffy paused a little, the thought of Angel dying unnerved her.

"It's OK, I'm here." Angel touched her hand reassuringly.

"You got to be kidding me...!" Xander couldn't believe that these two were actually sitting there making goo-goo eyes at each other. How many lifetimes did he have to sit through this?!

"Shut-up, Xander!" Everyone shouted at once.

"Continue, Buffy." Giles wanted the whole, uninterrupted story.

"Like I said, Angel was the first to die. Xander was, well, a vampire, he was trying to kill me. Angel saw what was happening and attacked Xander. Xander staked him. I started to make my way to the Master and Xander got in my way, I staked him. When I reached the Master, we fought but he was faster and stronger, just as he was going to snap my neck, I looked up and saw Oz propel Willow, who was also a vampire, into a piece of wood; just as Oz turned to get out of there, two vamps jumped him, he never got up.

The entire group was silent. Buffy had just re-counted their deaths and to say they were wigged would be an understatement. They may have their arguments and bad times, but when the chips are down they could always count on each other, to find out in other circumstances they would be each other's executioners, it made them realize how fortunate they were to live in their world. Even if it was the Hellmouth.

"Well, that totally sucked. Who killed me?" Cordelia felt a little left out.

"I'm not sure, you were dead by the time I got there. Giles said it was vampires, two of the masters favorites...oops." Buffy just put two and two together and came up with Willow and Xander.

"Oops...what's oops? Spill, Summers!"

Buffy glanced apologetically at Willow and Xander.

"I think it was Willow and Xander who killed you."

"That's just makes perfect sense. You guys have been a pain in my neck for years now." Cordelia actually smiled.

It took everyone a minute, but they finally realized Cordelia had actually made a joke. Everyone laughed.

"Hey, Giles! How about some of that tea you're always pushing?" Buffy was starting to enjoy herself. She liked these people.

"Sure, Buffy...let's see...where did I put it? Oh, I remember now. Give me a moment while I pull it out of my arse." Giles usually didn't sink to vulgarities, but he felt more lighthearted than he had in months.

"Uh...gross much!" Cordelia along with everyone else but Buffy looked grossed out by Giles's comment. Buffy doubled over and laughed.

While Giles was in the kitchen making tea, Buffy was trying to avoid making eye contact with Angel. She was still hurt and angry about Faith but more than anything she was confused. When she had stormed off to her room she remembered that in her anger she quoted things that she just knew Angel had said to her at one time, but when she tried to picture the exact circumstances the memories eluded her. It was like when you woke from a dream and you could just barely remember it, but the more you tried to picture it, the more it escaped you.

She hoped Giles finally got a chance to finish explaining his theory, but judging from the undercurrents in the room she guessed there would be a few more interruptions.

"I guess I'll get dressed before Giles gets back." Buffy quickly stood and without looking directly at anyone, escaped the tension filled room.

"So you think we overwhelmed her enough for one night?" Xander kept forgetting that this Buffy wasn't their Buffy. He could just image what all of the group's infighting must look like to a stranger.

"She must think we're awful people." Willow stared at the door, she hoped they didn't scare her off.

"She's just going to need some time, Willow. Why don't you go in there and talk to her, you were Buffy's best friend, if anyone knows how to make her feel better, it would be you." Angel hoped that Buffy would open up to the red head, they were especially close.

"No, Angel you were always the one that made her feel better." Willow touched Angel lightly on the shoulder as she passed by him to enter the spare room.

"Hope you don't mind, I just wanted to see if you needed any help." Willow was looking in the opposite direction from where Buffy was standing. She didn't want Buffy to feel self-conscious changing in front of her.

"It's OK, you can turn around, I'm decent." Willow turned and her eyes widened, it was Buffy...their Buffy.

"Cordelia spared no expense...I haven't worn things like this since I was fifteen." Buffy looked at herself in the mirror. She had on a blue square neck halter-top, that tied around her neck and exposed her midriff and a blue skirt with patterns that stopped right below her knees. A pair of heeled sandals completed her outfit.

"She even got me make up." Buffy looked at the cosmetics; she had no idea how to put them on.

"Well, you look terrific and as for the make up, I'm no expert but I can help a little." Willow grabbed the make up brush and went to work.

"So...not to be rude or anything...what's up with your boyfriend?" Buffy had been getting a definite creature of the night vibe from Oz.

"Up?" Willow looked confused, then it hit her. "Oh, you mean the werewolf thing! Don't worry, he's totally trained. Puts himself in a cage 3 nights a month."

"You make it sound so ordinary, you know he would kill you if he ever got out of his cage?"

"Oz is good. It's not his fault his cousin bit him! You're not thinking any slaying thoughts, are you, because if you definitely wouldn't be a good thing!" Willow had nothing to threaten Buffy with.

"Relax. I'm not thinking slaying things, I just don't want to see you get hurt, you seem nice."

"Oh, that's so sweet, but you don't have to worry about me, you taught me how to take care of myself." The two girls' eyes met in the mirror and the bonds of friendship, that neither time nor death could totally destroy, were once again forged.

Before they realized it, they had moved to sit on Buffy's bed. Buffy was in her usual place leaning against the headboard and Willow sat on the edge of the bed Indian style clutching a pillow.

"Whatcha think about Angel?" Willow leaned in, she was in major girl talk mode.

"Nothing!" Buffy felt her face go red.

"Come on, Buff, I saw the way he was looking at you on the couch."

"OK...since you twisted my arm. He' I mean, every time I look at him, I forget to breathe and when he kissed me..."

"He kissed you! Already!" Willow couldn't believe that things had progressed so far, in so short amount of time. It was like they were picking up where they left off.

"When he first saw me, he thought I was his Buffy and he kissed me."

"You are his Buffy, you will always be his Buffy." Willow didn't know what was going on but her gut told her that this was Buffy.

"I don't know, Will. Maybe I'll disappoint him. Maybe I'll disappoint all of you."

"You could never disappoint us. Never. You just being you is enough for all of us."

"So what do you think they're talking about?" Xander directed the question at Cordelia.

"Why ask me, how should I know? It's not like I'm in there. But if I were to guess, I would say Angel and Oz." Cordelia felt a little hurt that she hadn't been invited to the girl talk session.

"That should be a very short conversation!" Xander looked over at Oz, hoping he would get his crack about height.

"Unless they're talking about you, Xander, then the conversation would make no sense." Oz not only got the zing, he volleyed one back.

"Let's settle down. Cordelia, go and get the girls. Maybe we can finish this tonight." Giles stressed the maybe, it had been 3 long months since this group had been all together and this meeting was starting to resemble a group therapy session.

Buffy walked back into the room followed by Cordelia and Willow. Angel turned to look at her and kept on staring. She looked beautiful. He didn't fall in love with Buffy because of her youth or her looks, but he had to admit that she was an amazing looking girl. She was dressed all in blue and her hair hung straight to her waist. She had put make-up on and had attempted covering up the scar on her lip. She sat back down beside him and he kept right on staring.

Buffy felt herself turning red, she knew Angel was staring at her and everyone else was staring at Angel staring at her.

"This is test from the Emergency Broadcasting Unit! This is only a test! "REMEMBER THE HAPPINESS THING, DEADBOY!" Xander stood up while delivering his announcement. "We now return you to our regularly scheduled program, if this had been an actual emergency we would all be running for our lives."

Angel stiffened and quickly looked away from Buffy. Pain crossed his features, *What was he thinking! He could never really have Buffy, she now had a chance to exist in a safer world where she had no memories of their love. She had a chance to start over without his emotional baggage. He was going to give her that chance.*

Buffy noticed the pain in Angel's eyes and wanted to slap Xander.

"Are you sure we were friends?" She looked at Xander. "Because I don't like you very much."

"Buff, I'm sorry, it was just me being stupid. I always do stupid things, that's part my charm." Xander knew he blew it again, hadn't he promised himself that he would be different if given the chance? Now Buffy hated him all over again.

"I can see that we aren't getting anywhere with this tonight." Giles wiped his glasses. The kids were too emotionally raw to handle anymore. They needed to rest and continue tomorrow. "Why don't we all meet at the library, say, about sunset so Angel can join us and we'll continue with my explanations then. Everyone just go home and rest."

Angel was the first to get up and make his way to the door. He nodded briefly to Buffy and quickly left.

Willow, Oz and Cordelia all said their goodnights and went outside to their cars. Xander lingered wanting to make peace with Buffy.

Buffy saw him start to speak and held her hand up.

"Don't say anything, you've said enough for one night. Just for once listen...I don't know if I want to be your friend, I don't know if I even like you. You were out of line tonight, I'm sure you have your reasons and maybe the other Buffy understood them. From what I've seen and heard about you I'm not sure you know how to be anyone's friend, so just go." Buffy held the door open.

"I am your friend, Buffy and I'm going to prove that to you." Xander walked out the door with his head low.

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Part Seven