AUTHOR'S NOTES: Set seven years after the end of Season Three, Angel returns to Sunnydale, hoping to rekindle his romance with Buffy. Spoilers include all events up to and including Season Three. This is pretty full of angst and will probably only get worse. No sexual situations as yet, but there is sexual innuendo. Nothing too terrible.

RATING: PG-13 for language and sexual situations; possible NC-17 in future chapters.

FEEDBACK/DISTRIBUTION: Send accolades (or not) to me at As far as distribution goes, you are welcome to archive my stories, but please send me an e-mail for permission.

DISCLAIMER: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and the characters contained within are the sole property of Twentieth Century Fox Television, Mutant Enemy, and His Worshipfulness, Joss Whedon. I'm only letting Buffy and her friends have a little harmless fun and excitement. I have nothing, so don't bother suing me.

Chapter One

Looking down at the slip of paper in his hand, Angel verified the address he had received from Cordelia. The small shop was tucked in between an antiques store and a florist. The street, Bennett, was in Sunnydale's renovated and trendy Historical District.

He lifted his gaze up to the hand-painted sign over the door.

Angelica's Magic Emporium--Occult Treasures and Rare Books.

Angel couldn't stop a smile from curving his lips. Leave it to Buffy to find the perfect niche for herself.

He stood at the window, peering into the softly-lit interior. There were a few customers, tourists from the looks of it, and a young woman behind the counter. Not Buffy. This girl looked to be no more than sixteen or seventeen and had sleek black hair cut into a flattering chin-length bob.

Steeling himself, Angel entered the shop.

At the sound of the tinkling door chimes, Whitney looked up from the pile of crystals she was sorting by color. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched the handsome man step into the shop. He paused on the threshold, his dark eyes sweeping the room.

Taking a deep breath, Whitney stepped out from behind the counter and started towards him.

"Welcome. My name is Whitney, is there anything I may help...?" Whitney said in greeting, but a sudden cramp twisted her intestines and she stopped, one small hand pressed to her abdomen. "Oh!"

The man frowned and took a step towards her, worry creasing his handsome face. He reached out for her arm and Whitney cried out this time as the pain intensified.

Another customer approached. "Are you all right, dear? Should we call someone for you?"

Whitney shook her head, her gaze fixed on the mysterious man now. She only felt this way when...

Oh my God!

"N-no...I'm...I'll be okay," she whispered.

The man was close enough now to touch her. Whitney straightened with some difficulty and leveled a vicious gaze on the man. "What do you want, demon?" she whispered.

If she hadn't been so frightened and angry she would have laughed at the expression of shock on his face. But, that shock faded to sadness as he backed away.

"I'm terribly sorry for bothering you. I was just looking for the owner of the shop," he said, continuing to retreat towards the door. "My mistake."

As the distance between them increased, the cramps subsided. Whitney glanced uneasily at the still-curious customers. "She...she isn't here tonight. If I can tell her who came to see her...?"

But, the dark-haired man was shaking his head. "No, thank you. I see it was a mistake to come here."

Before Whitney could stop him, he slipped out the door and melted into the throng of early-evening shoppers passing the shop. Walking to the window, Whitney gazed out at the street.

"Dear? Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

Whitney plastered a smile on her face and turned to the customer. "Yes, thank you for your concern. Did you wish to purchase that?"

Send comments to Jezebel.
Chapter Two