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Welcome to Joy is a Choice!
My Poetry Page One

Urge to scream

I woke with bits and pieces of memories, tiny snippets
which began to adhere to my conscious mind.

This nightmare was not fleeting,
yet the full content (and significance) escaped discovery.

My recovery time was molasses-slowed, a tortuous dip
into the La Brea tar pits of mind.

I barely escaped with minor repercussions: an urge to scream
or a screaming urge.

copyright 2006 carolyn injoy

Originally written in March 2006 but fully edited in August 2006.

Eighty Miles an Hour

The wind howls
like fighting cats yowl.
Thoughts of ancient times blow by.
Turbulent groans,
mournful moans.
No breeze over the roof peaks,
No whispers here, but the wind's shriek.
House quakes,
and windows shake.
Power is missing,
sleet is hissing.
Savoring the darkness around,
in this house no fear is found.
Roof shudders, it speaks a tale.
Flashlights out cause batteries fail.
Lightning flashed,
caused trees to crash,
Thunder rumbled,
weather grumbled,
on this stunning stormy night.

copyright 2006 Carolyn Injoy

Originally written in March 2006 but fully edited in August 2006.

Page Two


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