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Welcome to Joy is a Choice!
My Poetry Page Five

These original poems are copyrighted by carolyninjoy.
Please email me for permission to use them online or in print. Thank you.

Heartbeat/of MRI

Pulse beat/throb-bing
don't worry/'bout things
Bloody eye/MRI
coffin size/close eyes
good thing/I've two
another way/won't do
try to/still breathe
can't move/don't believe
arms trapped/head thumped
loud noises/big bumps
hurry up/slow down
no way-ta/turn around
speed up/pound hard
inch inch/yard yard
can't feel/arms, hands
muscles tight/rubber bands
strapped in/real tight
lotsa nerves/no fright
beating heart/pulsing head
what news/fear, dread
wish I/were instead
still in/my bed
slide out/then in
what will/happen then?
must go/in-the tube
don't like/it's rude
can't see/attitude
wanta go/must stay
ain't no/other way
can't wait/another day
heart leaps/I pray
old ways/die first
wanta drink/quench thirst
God gives/takes away
it's loaned/every day
shot given/veins afire
you bet/I'm wired
may be/don't want
don't tease/don't taunt
how does/it feel to want?
not our/body, His
had to/learn this
to get/through test
God knows/what's best
Must read/out loud
don't be/too proud
pulsing hard/throbbing pace
same old/ rat race
heartbeats/racing fast
how can/this last
it still/goes on
pulsing hard/beating strong
will it/ever end
don't know/who'll win
good night/till then.

copyright 2006 carolyninjoy

Mood Swings ~ The distance varies

I am filled with greatest joy
I will savor it for weeks.
I would like to say,
I wish I could always feel this way.

But I am only human,
so I sometimes feel the need
to rant and rave and pull my hair
and consider giving up my creed.

Breathing in refreshes me
Breathing out releases pain
It feels so good to breathe,
whether the sun's out or in rain.

Awake or asleep I dream
if by day or if by night
one is darker out,
the other's clear and bright.

I pray it lasts a long time
I kneel upon the floor,
My heart's too full to speak
no lock upon its door.

My face now aches from smiling,
that's no accident
I listened for the happy sounds,
throughout the day's events.

I'm often asking why
I can't always feel this way,
moods are simply feelings
that pass and go away.

If I never felt true sorrow
if I didn't share my pain,
I'd have lost the opportunity to
see the rainbows after rain.

Why let sadness rule my life
with doom or gloom pronounced,
when I can still choose joy
and walk or skip with a bounce.

The opportunites are endless.
I have the all the time to choose.
If one thing makes me happy,
to let go of what I lose.

When I am trapped in doubt
and I'm running out of tries
I just give it a bit more time
and the smile lights up my eyes.

copyright 2006 carolyninjoy

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