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Welcome to Joy is a Choice!
My Poetry Page Eight

These original poems are copyrighted by carolyninjoy.
Please email me for permission to use them online or in print. Thank you.

A troll's feet

My feet of clay wedged in my mouth, a sight that isn't pretty.
My better self did not prevail, I acted downright snitty.
My nose was poked where it didn't belong, my jugdment headed south
I'm feeling pretty iccky, with clay stuck in my mouth.

I shouldn't have pointed a finger. I don't know what to say,
for when I looked down at my hand, four fingers pointed my way.
So I prayed for strength to do no harm and wise dominion use,
to be a better person and from taking sides refuse.

I learned a powerful lesson as I pondered on this rhyme.
Keep my nose where it belongs, not plunged mindless in the fray.
Lord, give me strength to make it right, for I hate the taste of clay.

I paid the price, the penalty steep. The cost was high indeed,
for when I went against my 'Self' I lost a piece of me.
Now when I consider what really is the toll,
I'm giving further notice, I'm just another TROLL.

In future times before I act, stay balanced on the fence,
for when I'm wrong, I must admit there is no good defense.
The razor's edge is keen and sharp, the cuts can run so deep.
I walked away with blemishes, cuts abound on both my feet.

It wasn't very funny, I'd have to say was droll,
As I looked into the mirror, I saw another troll.

copyright 2006 carolyninjoy

The dimly lit wood

I walked a path where evergreen trees, blocked all but dimmest light.
Tree sprites laughed but were unseen, heart full and spirits bright.
A fragrance sweet, passed on the breeze, I couldn't tell its source,
until I fell upon my knees and heard a whisper hoarse.

"Human, Human go away, this place you don't belong.
You know what things are right to do, but still you pick the wrong."
I shook my head in total shock, disbelieving it was so.
Yet there she stood, hands on her hips directing me to "Go!"

And as I swiftly turned away, a fleeting glimpse I caught.
More magic was afoot this day, wee spirits overwrought.
The sprite or elfling disappeared, I wanted her to stay,
so sadly turned and left the wood but remember to this day.

"Human, Human go away, this place you don't belong.
You know what things are right to do, but still you pick the wrong."
So when I do go walking through, the giant wooded halls,
I remember dear, the message clear from a being very small.
Take only pictures leave only 'prints' is what's best for all of us,
I heed this creed because it's right and in her words I trust.

For she wasn't the only magic seen, that day walking in the woods.
I thought I glimpsed a unicorn but don't know if I could ~
reveal the place I saw it, quick glimpse of golden horn,
I only know that moment when I found my hope reborn.
"Human, Human go away, this place you don't belong.
You know what things are right to do, but still you pick the wrong."

Walking through dim forests, I yearn for a fragrant scent,
I'm now grown old and foolish, and full of sentiment.
Yet the other day I hobbled through the taller still youthful trees,
I thought I heard a whisper, as I knelt on creaking knees.

Saying "You did it right, so thank you!" as I felt the gentle breeze.

copyright June 2006 carolyninjoy

Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

Loyal to death

The crippled dog turned three times slowly
before lying down in his self-made nest.

He perceived light dimly through cataract clouded eyes.
He wasn't sure if the call was his master's or not.

He stumbled up in the semi-darkness,
Loyal to the very end.

Not once to deny his master's voice.
"Here boy, good dog" seemed to echo.

Harsh hands bit into his aching sides.
He tried futilely with toothless mouth to bite.

A rubber strap wound around his foreleg.
A quick stab in a vein. Then he was no more.

copyright November 2006 carolyninjoy

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