The Molly Maguires

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The Unofficial Molly Maguires Homepage

The Molly Maguires, really now what can you say, except that they are a great Irish folk group.
And they'd have you believin' there blarney that they are only mediocre, don't you be believin' it now ye' hear Shaun.
Now folks I suppose you are wondering as to why I'm doin' this page, other than the fact that I'm a devoted Molly Maguires fan and to throw in that I have been working with one of the band members for nigh on two and a half years. Now who can this talented laddie be, it's none other than our very own Joe Brennan. That's right, our very own Joe Brennan along with band members Tony Cussack, Ray Robinson and Kevin McGinn They are the Molly Maguires.

Now if you'd be wantin' to see this Irish Phenomenon you can catch them at"The National", in sunny Freo on any Sunday for the afternoon session. But if you can't be waitin' that long you can buy their CD. A CD you say, for sure, for sure, hot off the press they are and can be purchased at the Official launching, for the wee price of $20.00 you can own a piece of recording history.

Almost forgot, the name of the CD is "Make The Rafters Roar!"
If you would like to part of the action now slip on down to The National on Saturday the 27th of February. for the Official launch of the CD. Starting time is 7:30pm, so we'll be seeing you there then.

Dates to Remember

Word has just filtered down to me that the Molly's will be at the Breakwater Tavern from the 23rd of March till the 25th of March. So don't be missing out now....mark the calendar and cancel all your other obligations. Grab your sweet Colleen and head on out there because a good time will be had by all!!!!

To Come

At some stage or another I will be uploading some samples of their songs. They will be in mp3 format as I'm thinkin' this appears to be the best sound format that I can find, so it might be an idea to get an mp3 player setup before I start uploading. My recommendation would be Winamp, it's compact and it's very good.

Now don't be getting all upset with me about this page, it's been a real rush job, but I promise you that it'll be a page to be proud of or my name ain't Shamus.

The Molly Maguires

David Freshwater,

This page is Copyright (C) 1999 by David A Freshwater, Perth. Western Australia