The Kokomo Fire Department is a 124 member career department(121 sworn firefighters and 3 civilian employees). Prospective recruits are chosen from an eligibility list of those who have successfully completed our testing process. This list is active for an approximate two year period. Everyone who wishes to be considered for employment has to test/retest each time the testing is run (normally every other year). The testing consists of an agility test, written aptitude test, and a personal interview. We will not be testing again this year.
We are an equal opportunity employer and encourage females and minorities to participate in our testing process.
This web site was provided free of charge by Angelfire. The pages were designed and programmed by members of the Kokomo Fire Department. No "Tax Dollars" were used. We at the Kokomo Fire Department are very excited about this site and the opportunity it will provide. Please visit this site often, as we plan to continually upgrade and add to it. We hope the information found at this site will be useful and interesting to you.
Please visit us again soon!