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These are some of my poems

Veiw My Dreambook,
Sign My Dreambook

Now Playing: KoRn: "Blind"

They don't have names, but I'll leave those up to your imagination. If you would like to suggest names for them, feel free to e-mail me.

What is Life? Is it a dream? Is it reality? Does Life even exist, or is it a constant game of live, die, win, or lose? What is Love? Is it a constant reminder of what could be? Is it even really a feeling, or is it just a wishing thought? How do you dwell in this world? Do you Live to Love? Or do you Love to Live?

I was sitting at my window last night, Thinking of you, so far away. Then it occured to me... Are you really there? Or are you just a wish that I've made up in my mind? Do you really care or am I dreaming that you even dare? So far away, I don't know, if you're even there.

The beauty of blackness. Is it darkness in your eyes? The color is so beautiful, but it symbolizes lies. Why must blackness be so dark? It's not in my eyes.

I pledge my love to the heart Of the person of my dreams Together we stand, but in hatred we fall One person, under fate, undividable For love and unity to all.


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