Editorial: July 16, 1998
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Editorial: July 16, 1998

Second Anniversary

As you may have noticed, I kind of quit doing editorials for a time. But not to worry, I'm doing them again. You'll start seeing at least one per month, either by me or by someone from the staff (Ian, Chris, or Scott). In this editorial, I'll be talking about the upcoming special 2nd Anniversary update of Kyle's Nintendo Page, on July 25th.

The first thing I'll do for this special occasion is add ALL of the old editorials (from 1996). Now that I have more memory space for my page, I can put those on it. Of course, these older editorials are just there for your curiosity, since they are nearly 2 years old.

The second thing I'll do is have another Special Feature. It will be on Nintendo-made games. (Until then, take a look at the NCL Section for news on upcoming NCL games.) Then, in August, there will be a special feature on Rare-made games.

The third thing I'll do is have another update to the Metroid story in the Fan Fiction section. If you haven't looked at it yet, go look.

That's about all. I may have things updated that are not mentioned here.

For the last month or so, KNP has gotton a new look. How do you like it? I think it looks fine, but it doesn't matter what I think. It's what you think. Tell me how you like it. Now, I'm not totally finished with new look yet. So you may see some sections that haven't been converted yet. They will be soon. Also, the look of the reviews are also looking different. If you haven't seen the new look, take a look at the review of Banjo-Kazooie.

Well, that's it for this editorial. Look for the next one within the next month.

If you have any comments or question about the topic of this editorial, just e-mail me at kylenin@angelfire.com. Thanks.