Editorial: January 22, 2001
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Editorial: January 22, 2001

What's New?

What's new, indeed. It seems like I haven't updated anything BIG since my last editorial. This is mainly because of time. When I was in college (1996-1999), I had lots of spare time on my hands. But now since I have a job, I don't. Even though, I will continue to try to update KNP.

Anyway, I just wanted to inform readers of KNP on upcoming updates that are planned (hopefully I'll get to them). Here's a summarized list:

  • Best of 2000 Results (in February)
  • A "Looking Back" Special Feature for the Super NES
  • The Addition of a New "Nintendo Systems Section" -- Game Boy Advance
  • At Least Partial Coverage of E3 (in May/June); last year I didn't have any coverage
Also, I'll try to have at least another editorial this year. (Hopefully, I'll have more than one.) So, enjoy the rest of the website. Even though there's not much new stuff, there is a ton of informative material that has been collected on this website for the last few years. Also, be sure to vote in the Top Games section, which, by the way, is updated every week (one of the few things). See you until the next editorial.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.